There is [however] a type of envy - envy regarding spiritual attainments - which is a positive quality; as our Sages declared,
[69] "Envy among scribes [i.e., scholars] increases knowledge," and as the
Midrash[70] comments on the verse,
[71] "And Rachel envied her sister" - "She envied her good deeds." Similarly,
[72] "Let not your heart envy sinners, but [envy] the fear of G-d." This envy arises when one strongly desires good deeds or wisdom. Envying their possessor motivates one to exert himself to attain similar levels. For since envy reaches to the depths of the soul it can evoke the soul's hidden strengths, enabling one to reach great heights.
A similar concept has been explained [in the Kabbalah]. Or chozer (lit., "reflected light") is able to reveal one's hidden powers to a greater degree than or yashar (lit., "direct light"). Similarly, the envy of holiness [has the potential to draw upon and motivate one's deepest energies].
This applies, [however, only] when one desires good. However, if one does not desire to be on a level of piety and purity but envies a colleague for his accomplishments and [grows to] hate him for them, this [envy] is a harsh and evil trait indeed. Its source is his yeshus; he therefore especially hates those who are servants of G-d, showing affection and kinship only towards simple people. He may delude himself, imagining that his love and connection with them springs from his humility, when the real source is his yeshus. Because he [prides himself on] being an oved, a servant of G-d, he hates anyone who has attained a [high] level of service, for by doing so the other challenges his yeshus. However, he will love simple people who are not on an [elevated] rung [in the service of G-d, for they pose no threat to him, and he will easily show them love] because one should love his fellow Jew. Moreover, someone who is even more coarse and possessed by yeshus may show such people love merely [because this serves as an opportunity] to expand his yeshus, for he feels they will honor him and accept and cherish his words.
Summary: The positive qualities of the envy of holiness. Yeshus prompts one to hate someone who has achieved a high level, although it allows one to love simple people; the reason for this.

- (Back to text) Bava Basra 21a; similarly in Zohar II, 126b. On the above and on the forthcoming passage see also Or HaTorah of the Tzemach Tzedek, the maamar entitled Vatekaneh Rachel; the glosses there, p. 298ff.; end of Sefer HaGilgulim, the maamar beginning Sod Chibut HaKever; Likkutei HaShas of the AriZal on the teaching of the Sages, "Envy among scribes...."
- (Back to text) [Bereishis Rabbah 71:6.]
- (Back to text) [Bereishis 30:1.]
- (Back to text) [Mishlei 23:17.]