"And[1] G-d spoke to Moshe, saying: 'Exact the retribution of the people of Israel from the Midianites; afterwards you shall be gathered to your people.' And Moshe spoke to the people saying: 'Arm men for the army from among yourselves, that they may go against Midian, to exact the retribution of G-d from Midian. One thousand per tribe...for all the tribes of Israel.'"[2]
It is necessary to understand the relationship between the war against Midian and the death of Moshe. The above verse seems to indicate that the two are interdependent,[3] for only after Moshe takes retribution of the Midianites will he be "gathered to his people."
Two inferences can be drawn from this verse: First, the war against Midian had to be waged specifically by Moshe. Hence, although his death had already been decreed, as stated previously in Parshas Pinchas,[4] "Go up to Mount Avarim...and be gathered...as Aharon your brother was gathered," he was nevertheless given time to first wage war against Midian. While, in the future, other wars would be waged by Yehoshua, this war was not delayed until after Moshe's death. Moshe was personally required to conduct the war against Midian, to muster the men for the army, and so on.
(One might offer the explanation[5] that all matters that preceded the entry into the land of Canaan were directed by Moshe, such as the war with Sichon and Og and the distribution of their land to the tribes of Reuven and Gad. Consequently, the war against Midian was also waged by him [in the natural course of events]. However, the verse that commands him to "exact the retribution of the people of Israel...afterwards you shall be gathered" implies that it is of particular significance that this war take place in his lifetime.)
Secondly, the verse seems to imply that the root of Moshe's soul would attain perfection as a result of this war. Hence, the Torah states that after he exacts retribution from Midian he will be "gathered to his people." It is known that the death [of a tzaddik][6] is [not a negative occurrence, but rather] the highest possible level of elevation, reached after one's work in the world has been completed. Upon finishing the task ordained for him by the Divine Wisdom, one then rises to the ultimate heights at the moment of one's passing. In this context, the verse - "Exact the retribution of the people of Israel from the Midianites...afterwards you shall be gathered" - refers to the perfection of the root of Moshe's soul through his service during his lifetime, [enabling him] to rise from level to level.
All of this, then, must be understood: Why did the war have to be waged specifically by Moshe? Why would his soul attain perfection through this?
Summary: The war against Midian; its connection to Moshe and his death.

- (Back to text) On the subject of this maamar in general, see Likkutei Torah, Parshas Matos, the maamar entitled Heichaltzu, ch. 1.
- (Back to text) [Bamidbar 31:1-4.]
- (Back to text) Midrash Rabbah, beginning of Parshas Matos.
- (Back to text) [Bamidbar 27:12-13.]
- (Back to text) See Ramban on Bamidbar 31:2.
- (Back to text) See [Alter Rebbe's] Siddur, Shaar Lag BaOmer.