... Moreover, the conduct of the expectant mother during the time of her pregnancy has an effect on the child, which is why it is the custom of righteous women that — for the sake of their child — during the time of their pregnancy, they are much more scrupulous in refraining from improper matters and much more scrupulous in the spiritual beautification and adornment of Torah and
(Hisvaaduyos 5747, Vol. II, p. 37)
In reply to your letter in which you convey to me the good news that you have entered the second month — approximately — of your pregnancy:
Surely, as I have mentioned to ..., if at all possible you are not to publicize the news "until the fifth month" — to use the expression of my father-in-law, the Rebbe.
I would suggest [to you the following]:
- Follow your doctors' orders — those of whom you have already visited — regarding your diet, not overstraining yourself, etc.
- Check all the mezuzos in your home and exchange the non-kosher ones for kosher ones.
- Keep the fine custom of Jewish women of giving tzedakah to the fund of R. Meir Baal HaNes prior to lighting candles every erev Shabbos and erev Yom Tov.
- Your husband, the Rav sheyichye, should continue reciting the daily portion of Tehillim (as it is divided by the days of the month) at least until after you give birth in a good and auspicious hour.
So, too, in the Prayer Before Retiring at Night, your husband should recite — prior to
HaMapil — the 20th Psalm,
Lamenatzeiach ... Yaancha. After he concludes that chapter, he should recite once again the second verse [beginning with the word]
Yaancha, and have in mind that G-d should consider it as if he had all the intentions (
kavannos) that are to be thought of at that time.
May G-d grant you an easy pregnancy; may you carry to term and give birth in a regular and easy way to a healthy child.
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. VI, p. 104)
... With regard to your question about a special manner of conduct [during the term of pregnancy]:
I believe that I have already written to you that I have not heard that there are any [specific instructions].
However, in general terms, you should check the mezuzos of your home and also give a few cents to tzedakah every weekday morning. Understandably, this is in addition to the tzedakah that your wife surely gives prior to lighting candles every erev Shabbos and erev Yom Tov.
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. VII, p. 303)

- (Back to text) The Rebbe offered the above counsel regarding the recitation of Yaancha to many husbands whose wives were pregnant, as is to be understood from the many Igros Kodesh where he recommends this practice.