In reply to your letter in which you write about your wife having gone to a doctor — it seems that this was some time ago — and based on this visit the doctor said that your wife is (seemingly) incapable of bearing children. You do not, however, write all the details:
Since many new forms of treatment have recently been developed, particularly in the last few years, it would be beneficial for you to turn once again to a specialist in this field and inquire of him about the latest developments in this area that could possibly apply to your situation.
Since we are always in need of the blessings from G-d, the Giver of the Torah and Commander of its commandments, it is self-understood that one's conduct is to be consonant with the directives of our Torah, the Torah of Life, and the performance of its commandments concerning which it is stated,[88] "You shall live by them."
This is particularly so with regard to the meticulous observance of the laws and regulations of taharas hamishpachah, family purity, (niddah, hefsek taharah, immersion in a kosher mikveh, etc.). You should also see if there was a lack of thorough knowledge in all the details of these laws, something that may lead to improper performance of these laws. {Such inquiries are to be made of a practicing Rav.}
All the above is the manner through which one receives G-d's blessings, especially in your situation. ...
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XXIII, p. 24)
In reply to your letter of ... in which you express the doctor's opinion that one of your wife's fallopian tubes is seemingly blocked:
Surely the specialist explained to you that there are two fallopian tubes and even when one of them is blocked, your wife can still successfully conceive and have children.
What's more, there are procedures that do not even require surgery that are able to unblock a blocked tube.
It would therefore be advisable that you consult with the specialist again regarding the above (i.e., the procedure without surgery). May G-d will it that you meet with success.
Understandably, the two of you should increase your good daily conduct so that it be in consonance with the directives of our Torah, the Torah of Life, particularly the meticulous observance of the laws and regulations of taharas hamishpachah, family purity, (niddah, hefsek taharah, immersion in a mikveh that is assuredly kosher, etc.).
It would also be most appropriate for you to check your tefillin as well as the mezuzos in your home to ensure that they are kosher according to Jewish law.
Your wife tichye should observe the fine custom of upstanding Jewish women of giving tzedakah before lighting the candles every erev Shabbos and erev Yom Tov.
When you inform me of your and your wife's Jewish names (as well as the Jewish names of your respective mothers), I will mention you for a blessing at the tziyun (the sacred resting place) of my father-in-law, the Rebbe, of blessed memory. ...
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XVIII, p. 466)
In reply to your letter in which you write that your wife
tichye [(who has been unable to conceive),] visited the doctor and followed his instructions and also went to the hot springs of Tiberius. You ask my opinion whether to wait a while before she goes to Hadassah [Hospital for further tests]:
In my opinion, now that she has returned from the hot springs of Tiberius, she should visit the doctor again. If he tells her that the tubes are open, then you should wait several months [and see if she conceives in the interim].
Surely G-d will fulfill your heartfelt requests for the good that in the near future you be blessed with healthy and viable children.
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. V, p. 185)
... As to what you write at the conclusion of your letter about the use of electrical current:
[89] You do not specify exactly what you mean, and "electrical current" includes many types of treatments.
If you are referring to radiating the area — it is better to avoid this. If you are only referring to stunning the area by running an electrical current through it — understandably, this has to be approached with caution. However, if this need be done only a few times, there is room to consider this procedure if it is performed by an expert.
Regarding the matter in general, and to definitively ascertain the general course of treatment, you should ask the opinion of a specialist at least once more, and the specialist should establish the diagnosis and the general procedure for bringing about healing. If such a specialist is not found in your city, he can surely be found in a larger city. ...
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XIV, p. 295)
In reply to your letter of the 14th of Cheshvan in which you describe the [unhappy] mood of your wife
tichye [because she has yet to conceive,] for which reason she wants to be examined by a doctor — and you do not approve of her hastiness in this matter:
Although I agree with your opinion that there is no reason to be alarmed that your wife has yet to conceive, still, since your wife is affected by this, you should explain to her your reasons [for your current lack of concern].
If your explanation will be received satisfactorily and contentedly, then well and good. If, however, for whatever reason, she will still be troubled, you should comply with her wishes of being seen by a doctor, in accordance with her desire.
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XIV, p. 100)
In reply to your letter of the 16th of Iyar in which you write that the doctor told your wife
tichye that she cannot conceive because her uterus is not properly developed:
Do not become alarmed by this statement; there are hundreds and even thousands of situations where doctors think that the uterus is not properly developed and nevertheless [these women] give birth to healthy and viable children.
In light of the above, if the doctors prescribe pills and the like — but not potent ones — your wife should take them. She should not, however, utilize harsh measures such as undergoing surgery and the like.
G-d should help that in the proper time, and I hope that it is in the not-too-distant future, you and your wife be blessed with a healthy and viable child.
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. VI, p. 59)
... You write about your wife
tichye's thoughts and worries about her inability to conceive:
It is known that the less one dwells on this matter, the better it is [for the individual, not only for their psychological health as a whole, but also regarding their ability to conceive].
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XIV, p. 11)

- (Back to text) Vayikra 18:5.
- (Back to text) To heal an ailment of the womb that was preventing pregnancy.