In reply to your letter of the 29th of Sivan regarding your tooth:
Since the pain (sensitivity) has continued for quite a while, it is obvious that something is not in order. You should therefore take care of it and not let it slide.
If — as you write — there are conflicting opinions among the doctors, seek the advice of yet a third doctor and have him decide which of the two opinions is the correct one.
(Likkutei Sichos, Vol. XXXVI, p. 318 [51])
You write about the pain in your teeth and that the doctors suggest that you extract all your teeth:
Although the saying of our Sages, of blessed memory, is well known (Pesachim 113a ["Do not uproot a tooth"]), (and there are chassidim who relate that for this reason the chassid Rabbi Hillel of Paritch, of blessed memory, was scrupulous about not removing any of his teeth,) nevertheless, I have not observed that people are careful to observe this, not even in the Rebbe's household.
The reason for this is that inasmuch as the nature of the human organism has undergone many changes since Talmudic times, the medical advice contained in the Talmud is not necessarily applicable nowadays — moreover, it is forbidden even to try it, as stated in the Maharil.[52]
... Consequently, although I seriously doubt whether you should go to the other extreme and follow the advice of the one doctor who told you to extract all your teeth, G-d forbid — rather, you should consult additional specialists — possibly you should extract one or two teeth if that will suffice [to alleviate the problem].
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XIII, p. 79)
In reply to your letter ... in which you write that many doctors have suggested to you that you have several of your teeth removed, and that until now you could not get yourself to agree to this procedure [because of the
Talmudic proscription regarding this procedure]:
Although it is stated in Pesachim 113a: "Do not uproot a tooth," it is already known that the nature of the human organism has undergone many changes since Talmudic times and Talmudic medicine is not necessarily applicable nowadays.
Concerning that which you write, that you have heard an unconfirmed report in the name of the Rebbe the Tzemach Tzedek [regarding tooth extractions,] and I too have heard by word of mouth that the tzaddik Rabbi Hillel of Paritch would not remove his teeth, nevertheless, our conduct is solely predicated on that which we witnessed in the Rebbe's household, where they would obey the doctors' instructions [and have teeth removed].
This is particularly applicable in your situation, where the doctor says that the removal of these teeth [is not only a matter that relates to the teeth alone, but] is necessary for the health and well-being of the entire body.
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. VIII, p. 318)
Surely you scrupulously observe
Kiddush Levanah — which is a
segulah for the teeth. ...
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XI, p. 150)

- (Back to text) From a letter of the Rebbe, dated 6 Tammuz, 5732.
- (Back to text) In the Likkutim section of the Maharil, which is at the conclusion of the book.