I received your letter and
pidyon nefesh (petitionary prayer) and will read it at an auspicious time at the
tziyun (the sacred resting place) of my father-in-law, the Rebbe, of blessed memory. In your letter you summarize the events in your life during the past year as well as your health condition with regard to your skin:
Understandably, if the intent of your letter is to be understood in its plain sense, that you are yourself choosing a salve and the manner of treatment according to the advice of your friends — this is neither in accord with the path of logic, nor is it in accord with the directives of the Torah [which states,][49] "Permission was granted the healer to heal."
Surely there are dermatologists in your area — at least at this point ask them what to do and follow their orders. Accordingly, it is self-evident that the fact that you consulted with an individual who people say is an "expert" was also incorrect.
Do as I stated above, which as you yourself suggest at the conclusion of your letter, to "seek the counsel of a dermatologist." ...
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XV, p. 411)
You [write that you] are not sure what I meant when I wrote to you about skin eruptions [from rashes or hives]. I am not sure what it is that you fail to understand:
It sometimes happens that particular foods or liquids have [such an] effect on an individual that he breaks out in hives or in a rash and the like. By refraining from eating and drinking those foods and liquids that are harmful, the effects subside.
The difficulty lies in ascertaining exactly which classes of food and drink affect the individual in this manner. The simple (but time-consuming) way of ascertaining which class of food causes the skin eruptions is by refraining from eating a certain class of food for a period of time and then observing the results, [i.e., whether this has kept the person from breaking out].
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XIV, p. 512)
... You write that you have developed a skin problem on the outer portion of the palm of your left hand. I trust that by now it has already [begun to be] healed; surely it was the result of some emotional distress. ... When you will stop focusing on these emotionally distressing matters ... it will surely heal completely.
At any event, it would be worthwhile — particularly now during the month of Elul — to check your tefillin, especially your hand tefillin, including the required measurements of the straps — particularly their width.
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. III, p. 435)
... In light of that which is explained in a number of places in
Chassidus [about the connection between speech and one's skin], you should increase your scrupulousness in refraining from idle chatter (and surely with regard to forbidden speech). All this is to merely state that you increase your attentiveness regarding the above, for you surely are vigilant about this in any event.
Increase as well your recitation of words of Torah and prayer, as letters [and words] are the aspect of skin (Torah Or, p. 58a), for "G-d's judgment is measure for measure, but many times more so," and the spiritual and material go hand in hand. [Thus, by refraining from idle and forbidden speech and increasing your sacred speech, this will assist in ridding you of your skin ailment.] ...
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XVI, p. 297)

- (Back to text) Berachos 60a.