You write that you weigh more than you should and that this worries you very much. You also note that it is very difficult for you to eat and drink less:
In my opinion:
- Doctors exaggerate the potential damage of a person being overweight.
- Don't focus on this matter — at least to the extent that you are not constantly thinking about [your being overweight]. Doing so will grant you additional peace of mind and will thus enable you to readjust your metabolism, thereby enabling you to lose your excess fat.
Moreover — and this, too, is of great import — serve G-d with joy.
(Neilchah b'Orchosov, p. 219 [48])
In reply to your letter of the 13th of Menachem [Av] in which you write about your health situation and the opinion of the doctors:
In such an instance, you should follow the instructions of doctors who specialize in this particular area — with a consultation of at least two of them.
I am very much surprised regarding that which you write, that afterwards, [i.e., after the procedure,] you will be required to rest for many months, for normally the time required is much, much less. Possibly you failed to properly convey to me in your letter the exact malady and the suggested procedure.
Additionally, if your description [of what ails you is accurate,] one is able to continue with a normal married life. It would be worthwhile on a regular basis for you to seek the counsel of a Rav who rules on halachic matters, with regard to the above.
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XVII, p. 309)
With regard to that which you write about your wife
tichye, regarding radiation therapy: I believe that I have already written to you in the past that you should try other measures.
As to the fact that the doctor says he will only give her one dose of radiation, here, too, the same caution applies:
For according to those who are against this form of therapy — since the results of the radiation may just as likely have negative consequences as positive consequences — this applies to a single dosage as well, as it all depends on the strength of the dosage. And if there is nothing at all to fear in receiving a single dose, then the benefit is also equally in question.
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XV, p. 229)
... You write about ... using radiation to effect healing of the head. I believe that I have already written you once that this form of therapy is to be used with extreme caution. There are many other forms of healing that are not as dangerous, and their positive results are clearer than those of radiation. ...
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XII, p. 300)

- (Back to text) From a handwritten response of the Rebbe, dated the first day of Rosh Chodesh Iyar, 5739.