... Regarding what you wrote about your appendix, [that you are being advised to have it removed]:
I fail to understand the rush to have it removed immediately. Is the doctor demanding that this be done now, or is it merely a suggestion, [in which case there is no reason to rush into it]?
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XVII, p. 103)
... You write that your husband is suffering from a herniated disc:
Lately, in the United States, doctors try to avoid surgery in such instances and use other forms of treatment. Since the doctors in Eretz Yisrael are in constant contact with the doctors here, surely these alternate methods of treatment are known in your locality. ...
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XXII, p. 507)
In response to your letter of
Motzaei Shabbos Kodesh, in which you write about the health of your wife
tichye and the opinion of the doctors regarding [the necessity of] an ear operation:
Seemingly, you are referring to an operation that will facilitate the movement of a small bone in the ear.
If this is indeed so, then you should have the operation performed by a specialist, since this is a relatively simple procedure when performed by a specialist.
By the way, this operation is named after the developer of this operation, Dr. Rosen. Possibly this information will assist you in ascertaining more details about the above procedure.
In any event, in a situation such as this, [i.e., where surgery may be indicated,] one is to rely on the opinion of two doctors who specialize in this particular area.
May G-d crown your efforts with success, so that you will be able to convey glad tidings with regard to the above, as well as conveying glad tidings in general — and most importantly, with regard to matters of Torah and mitzvos.
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XVI, p. 50)
In reply to your letter of 7/14, in which you inform me about your state of health, particularly about your feet, and that the doctors are of the opinion that you should undergo surgery:
Attached below is the opinion of a local specialist:[28]
Since all matters require G-d's blessings — particularly when one is in need of an additional measure of blessing, you should therefore, understandably, increase your Torah study and observance of mitzvos; the greater your increase, the greater will be G-d's increase of His blessings regarding this matter. ...
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XV, p. 332)
With regard to the suggestion that you surgically remove the entire flesh of the gums, Heaven forfend:
In general, this is a bizarre suggestion, particularly since the idea of the surgery is that this will bring about the regrowth of new gum tissue, etc. — and it is impossible to be completely certain that the tissue will indeed regrow.
Nevertheless, since you write that you received this suggestion from a specialist, you should go to another specialist and hear his opinion in the matter.
In case of doubt — and generally speaking [when matters are in doubt] — taking no steps at all is preferable.
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XX, p. 164)
In reply to your letter of the 20th of Tammuz, in which you describe the health situation of your daughter ...
tichye and that among the doctors there are those who advise surgery on her hand:
It is not clear from your letter whether this [opinion about operating on her hand] is the opinion of only one doctor or the opinion of many doctors.
Also — and this is of great importance — whether the opinion to operate is based on their inability to determine the cause of the affliction (and it would seem so from your letter, since they have tried various other forms of treatment), or they do know the cause and the different forms of treatment are all related to that particular ailment — only that the other forms of treatment were not successful.
Surely you will determine all the above and make your decision accordingly.
I also want to add: In these types of operations, there is a type where the concern is not so much about the surgery itself, for as you write, the surgery itself is relatively easy, rather the great concern is that it not affect the nerves and muscles that are necessary to maintain proper movement in the finger or fingers.
It would also be worthwhile for you to determine how much of this problem is psychologically related, i.e., not a physiological problem in the finger or of the hand, but in the mind and imagination — that your daughter imagines that whenever she returns to work, the pain returns as well.
[In such an instance,] your daughter would do well to ponder G-d's individual Divine providence and the fact that He who oversees each and every individual is also the "Healer of all flesh and Performer of wonders." Moreover, the verse states,[29] ["G-d will bless you] in all that you do," with the emphasis on all — no matter how minute [or insignificant] the labor may be.
[If the problem is indeed largely psychological,] it is quite possible that this [form of contemplation] will weaken her imaginings and their related pains.
May G-d will it that you be able to convey glad tidings regarding all the above. ...
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XX, p. 297)
In reply to your letter of the 21st of Elul, the Month of Mercy, in which you inform me of the doctor's opinion regarding your health — that there are those who counsel that you have heart surgery.
It is self-understood that deciding on such a step [because of the recommendation of doctors] depends to a large extent on the expertise of the doctors.
Particularly in your situation: According to my information, there are renowned heart specialists who visit Eretz Yisrael from time to time. When this comes to pass, make a joint consultation between them and the Israeli heart specialists.
It would be worthwhile for you to find out whether such an opportunity will present itself in the near future. [If it should,] then ask a physician who is a friend to set up such a consultation for you and notify him of their decision.
May G-d will it that they succeed in their advice, so that you heal speedily.
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XV, p. 436)
With regard to your undergoing open heart surgery:
You were able to push it off until now; try doing so in the future as well. May G-d grant you success. ...
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. VIII, p. 118)
I received your letter from Thursday,
Parshas Shoftim, in which you describe the health of ...
tichye, and you ask my opinion regarding what the doctor told her.
With regard to her having a hemorrhoidectomy: If two specialists in this field concur that the operation is necessary, then she should go ahead and have it. May G-d grant that the operation be successful.
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XXI, p. 133)
In reply to your letter ... in which you write about your health status and that many doctors have advised you to undergo surgery for the double hernia from which you have been suffering for many years:
It is my considered opinion that you should have the surgery, since this is the advice of doctors who specialize in this area of medicine. However, it would be beneficial for you to have the surgery after the summer, and not during these hot summer days. ...
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. VI, p. 276)
... With regard to the second matter, where the doctor suggests that he perform an operation on the uterus:
It is necessary to ascertain from the doctor if his intent is to do a hysterectomy, or whether he just wants to excise the tumor.
If it is the former — and generally, doctors in the United States are all too eager to perform this procedure — then seek the opinion of two additional doctors. If all three are in agreement that a hysterectomy is necessary, then you should do so.
May G-d grant the doctors the wisdom and insight to make the good and correct decision, and may G-d send His "healing words" and heal through [the channel of] "this specific doctor and this particular medication."
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XXI, p. 133)

- (Back to text) "Such a procedure requires great exactness and extreme care in the procedure itself as well as the method employed. This is why an effort is made to heal through other methods: a band and special bandage; electric heat and the like, etc.
"Should you desire, you may ask the doctor who is treating you to write here in detail (at the address of Dr. Seligson) why he specifically recommends an operation. Upon receiving this information, the matter will be considered again."
- (Back to text) Devarim 15:18.