You write to me about feeling weak and also about suffering from insomnia:
It may very well be that both matters are a result of your failure to lead an orderly life, without having set and established times for food, drink and sleep, etc.
Moreover, it is well known how our Rebbeim demanded [from others] and were also exacting and strict with themselves in regard to keeping an orderly life style. They explained and expounded on how lack of routine and order prevents success in the performance of Torah and mitzvos.
This applies in particular to you and your work, as you are engaged in sacred labor, the [sacred] work of [the tribe of] Zevulun that [spiritually] precedes [the labor of the tribe of] Yissachar. The [orderly] manner [demanded] of [one who engages in] your [type of] work is clearly stated in the verse, when it states: "Rejoice Zevulun as you go out [and conduct your work in an orderly fashion]."
It would be advisable that you consult with a doctor so that he may calm you of your fears [regarding your weakness and insomnia]. Also ask him to establish for you an orderly routine for eating, drinking, etc. You should � as much as possible �make sure to stick to this routine.
May G-d send His healing words and heal and strengthen you.
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XVII, p. 169)
In reply to your letter of Thursday in which you write about your sleep difficulties; [you also write that] you have consulted with a doctor, and that as of yet he has been unable to be of assistance:
First and foremost, check the mezuzos in your home as well as your tefillin, in order to assure their kashrus. Also, give several cents to tzedakah each weekday morning. Additionally, following your daily as well as Shabbos and Yom Tov [morning] prayers, you should recite the daily portion of Tehillim as divided by the days of the month.
It would be to your advantage that you wear a checked [for kashrus] tallis katan not only during the day, but also at night, in accordance with the words of the AriZal (quoted by the Alter Rebbe in his Siddur, Laws of Tzitzis). It is my strong hope that paying heed to the above will take care of the matter [and put an end to your sleep difficulties].
Nevertheless, since all matters, [including matters of physical well-being,] are [to be approached and remedied not only via spiritual means, but] also to be garbed in [the garments of] nature, you should follow the doctor's instructions and take whatever he prescribes for you, for surely the doctor will prescribe some pills and the like.
On your part, you should absolutely cease dwelling on these [sleep] disturbances, following which � as previously stated � within a short period of time, you will return to full health.
The less you dwell on these [sleep] disturbances and the more you increase your bitachon in G-d, Creator and Conductor of the world, the greater will be the increase in G-d's blessings [to you] and your success in the above, [i.e., in eliminating your sleep problems,] as well as your success in all other matters.
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XVIII, p. 358)
In reply to the notification that I received yesterday through your wife, the
Rabbanis tichye, that you are having difficulty sleeping:
You should absolutely cease dwelling on this. Give it no heed, since you are surely following the instructions of your doctor.
It would be appropriate for you to have a kosher mezuzah close to your bed (in addition to the mezuzah on your bedroom door), and � understandably � if necessary, that the mezuzah be wrapped in a double wrapping.
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. IV, p. 159)
I was informed by ... that of late you have been unwell for several weeks and you have not been sleeping well:
... In my opinion, you should inspect the mezuzos of your home and before you go to sleep, study at least several lines of the sichos of my father-in-law, the Rebbe, and envision his holy countenance � to the extent that you remember it.
With G-d's help, I hope that you will be able to convey to me the good news that your sleep is improving. ...
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. IV, p. 206)
... With regard to your breathing difficulties [during sleep]:
I am almost certain that this is related to "nerves." When you will recite the bedtime Shema with the general intention that you are turning to the One Who stands above you, as stated in the bedtime Shema: "The L-rd is your guardian; your protective shade at your right hand,"[21] then it is patently clear that there is no room at all for untoward events.
The same is also true with regard to your health, [that there is absolutely nothing to fear, since your ailments will] "melt away like wax."[22]
Understandably, this in no way negates taking steps via natural means, viz., properly following the doctor's instructions, for G-d has so established the world [that we take measures via natural means]. ...
Also ask the doctor whether it would be beneficial for you to lengthen the amount of time between your eating and drinking and your going to sleep � more than you have been doing until now.
(Likkutei Sichos, Vol. XXXVI, p. 297 [23])

- (Back to text) Tehillim 121:5.
- (Back to text) Ibid. 97:5.
- (Back to text) From a letter of the Rebbe, dated 6 Teves, 5721.