After a long pause [in which I did not hear from you], it gladdened me to learn that your health situation has improved:
You surely are aware of the physicians' view — and we observe this to be true as well — that [a calm demeanor and] not becoming irritated or angry is a tried and tested antidote to high blood pressure.
In order to attain this quality of not becoming irritated or angry, it would be appropriate for you to study in depth the Iggeres HaKodesh of the Alter Rebbe (which is the fourth section of Tanya, and is printed and bound with it), Epistle 25.
[That which is stated there about not becoming angry] is also eminently logical, and to briefly elucidate one of the reasons why this is so: We verily observe that getting upset and angry over material matters not only doesn't lead to anything beneficial, it is also actually detrimental.
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. VII, p. 34)
In reply to your letter of the 25th of Iyar and the one previous to it: At an auspicious time, I will mention you in prayer at the holy resting place of my father-in-law, the Rebbe, of blessed memory, for good health.
Surely the doctor, whose advice you asked, told you as well that [the level of one's] blood pressure depends to a considerable extent on the person's state of mind.
From this it is understood that conduct in keeping with the words of the Baal Shem Tov,[14] [that Divine service is to be in a manner of] "... you shall come to its aid"[15] — "[to serve G-d] with the body," in a manner of joy and gladness of heart, is one of the things that comes with its own simultaneous reward — that of increasing one's health, as we verily observe.
And how wondrous are the words of the Alter Rebbe in chapter 49 of Tanya: "'You have chosen us' ... refers to the material body...." These present days are particularly appropriate for the above, since they are days of preparation to the receiving of the Torah, at which time — as our Sages, of blessed memory, say — all Jews became physically healthy and whole.
(In light of all the above, it is understandable that there is no reason at all to apologize for your writing to me regarding the above, for in addition to the chassidic aphorism "The other's material welfare is my spirituality," there is also the added fact that the material body of a Jew is holy, as is also to be understood from the statement in Tanya quoted above.) ...
(Igros Kodesh, Vol. XIII, p. 111)

- (Back to text) See HaYom Yom, Shvat 28.
- (Back to text) Shemos 23:5.