Published and Copyrighted © by
Sichos In English
788 Eastern Parkway • Brooklyn, N.Y. 11213
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ISBN 1-8814-0080-8
5765 • 2005
- Rochel Chana Schilder for editing.
- Yosef Yitzchok Turner for designing the layout and typography.
- Rabbi Yonah Avtzon for preparing text for publication.
- Avrohom Weg for designing the cover.
- Uri Kaploun for editorial assistance.
With heartfelt gratitude to G-d for the warm and positive reception the first volume in this series received, we hereby present the second volume of Healthy in Mind, Body and Spirit — A Guide to Good Health, based on the teachings and writings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. These volumes present a broad, representative selection of the Rebbe's advice and insights on physical and mental health.
While volume one dealt with health issues of a general nature, the present volume deals with specific physical health issues. Volume three, the final volume in this series, will — G-d willing — deal with specific issues of mental health.
Since, as the Rebbe so often indicated, the spiritual and physical health of a Jew are inexorably intertwined, many of the Rebbe's responses and comments also relate to a Jew's spiritual well-being.
Most of the material assembled in this work consists of private responses to individuals. It must therefore be borne in mind that the Rebbe's answer to one individual does not necessarily apply at all to another, for, as the Rebbe once wrote,[1] "It is patently obvious[2] that a directive to an individual does not serve at all as a directive to the public, even when the issues are the same."
Moreover, some of the responses to individuals are not necessarily the Rebbe's final word on the matter, particularly since the Rebbe would encourage the use of the latest medical advances, procedures and medications, some of which were not extant at the time he offered those responses.
What we have done to try to resolve this latter difficulty is to quote numerous responses, even though some may appear different from others. The dates or sources cited may be of benefit in distinguishing the Rebbe's later responses. So, too, by noting that numerous answers are written in the same vein, we have an indication of the Rebbe's overall approach to a specific issue or matter.
Knowledge of the Rebbe's directives on healing echoes the theme of a letter that the Rebbe wrote before accepting the mantle of leadership. There he writes, with regard to the Previous Rebbe:[3] "There is a Rebbe among the Jewish people, and he is not bound at all by the limitations of nature. A person who wishes to proceed on a secure path with regard to crucial life decisions should not lift his hand without asking the Rebbe. When a person is confused or confronted by fundamental life questions, he must know that the Jewish people have not been left without succor. There is someone to ask....
"He should not rely solely on his own understanding ..., nor on the doctor. ...These are approaches that involve doubt. He has a sure path where he can clarify his doubts.... And when he follows [the Rebbe's] directives, he will succeed."
To conclude on a personal note: This volume is dedicated to my dear friend, Levi ben Tzivya sheyichyeh. May G-d grant him continued good health, and grant his son, Adam ben Sarah sheyichyeh, a complete and speedy recovery.
May our study of these volumes of the Rebbe's teachings and directives strengthen our continued spiritual bond with him, and enable us to merit "the all-encompassing healing that will come in the Ultimate Future, in the era of Mashiach; may he come speedily in our days."[4]
Sholom B. Wineberg
Overland Park, Kansas
11 Nissan, 5766

- (Back to text) In a handwritten response.
- (Back to text) Emphasis is the Rebbe's.
- (Back to text) Igros Kodesh, Vol. III, p. 52ff.
- (Back to text) Op. cit., Vol. II, p. 27.