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The King Mashiach

When Mashiach Comes

Laws for the Days of Mashiach

The Glory of G-d Shall Be Revealed

The Days of Mashiach

The Third Beis HaMikdash

The Resurrection of the Dead

Part Six: Studies of Scriptural & Rabbinical Sources

Expositions of Scriptural Verses

Expositions of Talmudic Teachings

Studies in the Passage on the Redemption in Tractate Sanhedrin

Studies in Rambam, Hilchos Melachim, Ch. 11

Studies in Rambam, Hilchos Melachim, Ch. 12


From Exile to Redemption - Volume 2
Chassidic Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe,
Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson and the preceding Rebbeim of Chabad
on the Future Redemption and the Coming of Mashiach


Compiled by Rabbi Alter Eliyahu Friedman
Translated by Uri Kaploun

Published and copyright © by Sichos In English
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  Studies in Rambam, Hilchos Melachim, Ch. 12 

An asterisk indicates a cross reference within this Glossary.
All non-English entries are Hebrew unless otherwise indicated.
Acharonimhalachic authorities of the period since the publication of the *Shulchan Aruch in the sixteenth century
Acharon shel Pesachthe Last Day of Passover
aggados (the singular Aram. form is aggad'ta)non-legal teachings on the non-literal level of interpretation known as *derush
ahavas Yisraelloving a fellow Jew
alma de'isgalya(lit., "the world of revelation"; Aram.): the spiritual realm in which Divinity is revealed
alma de'iskasya(lit., "the world of concealment"; Aram.): the spiritual realm in which Divinity is concealed
amoraimpost-Mishnaic authorities cited in the *Gemara
Asiyah, the World of(lit., "the World of Action, or Making"): the lowest of the Four *Worlds
Atzilus, the World of(lit., "the World of Emanation"): the highest of the Four *Worlds
avodah(lit., "work" or "service"): (in Torah usage) divine service, particularly through prayer and (in chassidic usage) through the labor of self-refinement
beis dinrabbinical court
Beis HaMikdashthe (First or Second) Temple in Jerusalem
beis midrashcommunal House of Study
beraisa (pl., beraisos; Aram.)tannaitic statement not included in the Mishnah
beirurimthe divine service of sifting and refining the materiality of this world by enlightened use, and thereby elevating the divine sparks concealed within it
Beriah, the World of(lit., "the World of Creation"): the second (in descending order) of the Four *Worlds
Binah(lit., "understanding"): the second of the Ten Sefiros, or divine emanations; the second stage of the intellectual process (cf.*Chabad), developing the initial conception of *Chochmah
Chabadacronym formed by the initial letters of the Hebrew words *Chochmah, *Binah, and *Daas, which are both (i) the first three of the Ten *Sefiros, or divine emanations, and (ii) the corresponding stages that comprise the intellectual process (known as seichel or Chabad). Chabad also signifies: (a) the branch of the chassidic movement (see *Chassidus) which is rooted in an intellectual approach to the service of G-d, and which was founded by R. Shneur Zalman of Liadi; a synonym for Chabad in this sense is *Lubavitch, originally the name of the township where the movement flourished 1813-1915; (b) the philosophy of this school of Chassidism
challah(a) a tithe of dough for the Kohen; (b) a braided loaf baked in honor of Shabbos
chassid (pl., chassidim)adherent of the chassidic movement (see *Chassidus)
Chassidismsee *Chassidus
Chassidus(a) Chassidism, i.e., the movement within Orthodox Judaism founded in White Russia by R. Yisrael, the Baal Shem Tov (1698-1760), and stressing: emotional involvement in prayer; service of G-d through the material universe; wholehearted earnestness in divine service; the mystical in addition to the legalistic dimension of Judaism; the power of joy, and of music; the love to be shown to every Jew, unconditionally; and the mutual physical and moral responsibility of the members of the informal chassidic brotherhood, each chassid having cultivated a spiritual attachment to their saintly mentor, the *Rebbe; (b) the philosophy and literature of this movement; see also *Chabad
chayahthe second-highest of the five levels of the soul (cf. Bereishis Rabbah 14:9)
Chessed(lit., "lovingkindness"): the first of the seven Divine middos, or attributes, and of their corresponding mortal middos, or spiritual emotions
Chochmah(lit., "wisdom"): the first of the Ten Sefiros, or divine emanations; the first stage of the intellectual process (cf. *Chabad); reason in potentia
Chumashthe Five Books of Moses
Daas(lit., "knowledge"): the third of the Ten Sefiros, or divine emanations; the third stage of the intellectual process (cf.*Chabad), at which concepts, having proceeded from seminal intuition (cf. *Chochmah) through meditative gestation (cf. *Binah), now mature into their corresponding dispositions or attributes of character (middos)
daven, davenen(Yid.): (a) praying, prayers; in *Chabad usage also signifies (b) the *avodah of praying at length, the reading of passages in the *Siddur being interspersed with pauses for disciplined meditation from memory on related texts in *Chassidus
derushthe non-literal, homiletic interpretation of Scripture, as in the *Midrash or Talmudic *aggados
echadthe number one
Ein Sof-lightthe [infinite] creative and enlightening emanation that radiates from the Infinite One
Eretz Yisraelthe Land of Israel
erev(lit., "evening" or "eve of"): when introducing another word (such as "Pesach") it can mean either (a) the evening with which the specified holy day begins or (b) the day that ends with the onset of the holy day at sunset
farbrengen(Yid.): (a) an assemblage addressed by a Rebbe; (b) an informal and brotherly gathering of chassidim for mutual edification and spiritual sensitization
galusexile; Diaspora
Gan Edenthe Garden of Eden; Paradise
Gemara(Aram.): see *Talmud
gematria(Aram.): the numerical value of the letters that comprise a word in the Holy Tongue, and the derivation of insights therefrom
geonim (pl. of gaon)eminent Torah scholars
Gevurah(lit., "strict justice"): the second of the seven Divine middos, or attributes, and of their corresponding mortal middos, or spiritual emotions
golahexile; Diaspora
haftorah(lit., "final passage"): the passage from the Prophets read in the synagogue after the reading from the Five Books of Moses (cf. Siddur Tehillat HaShem, p. 187)
Haggadah(lit., "telling", from Shmos 13:8): book from which the *Seder service is conducted on *Pesach
Halachah(a) the body of Torah law; (b) a particular law
Havayahthe Four-Letter Name of G-d as commonly pronounced in the study of *Chassidus
Hilchos...the laws of...
Hishtalshelus (or: Seder Hishtalshelus)the chainlike scheme of gradual descent whereby the Divine light progressively screens itself on its way from ethereal spirituality to apparent substantiality
Hod(lit., "majesty"): the fifth of the seven Divine middos, or attributes, and of their corresponding mortal middos, or spiritual emotions
ikvesa diMeshicha" (also ikvos Meshicha; Aram.)the [generation that can hear the approaching] "footsteps of *Mashiach"
Isru Chagthe semi-festive day immediately following any one of the three Pilgrim Festivals
Kabbalah(lit., "received tradition"): the body of classical Jewish mystical teachings, the central text of which is the *Zohar
kabbalas ol(lit., "acceptance of the yoke"): unquestioning self-subordination to the Will of G-d
kashrusstate of being *kosher
kelippos(lit., "rind" or "shell"; pl. of kelippah): used figuratively (on a personal or universal level) to signify an outer covering which conceals the light within; hence, the unholy side of the universe
ketz(lit., "end"): a particularly auspicious time for *Mashiach to bring the exile to an end
kochos makkifimthe transcendent faculties of the soul
kochos pnimiyimthe internalized, conscious faculties of the soul
Kohen (pl., Kohanim)"priests", i.e., descendants of Aharon
Kohen Gadolhigh priest
kosherritually fit for use or valid (cf. *kashrus)
Lubavitch(lit., "town of love"; Rus.): townlet in White Russia which from 1813-1915 was the center of *Chabad *Chassidism, and whose name has remained a synonym for it
maamar (pl., maamarim)(lit., "word" or "written article") in *Chabad circles means a formal chassidic discourse first delivered by a *Rebbe
makkifthe transcendent dimension of the soul that is not consciously vested in the body
Malchus(lit., "sovereignty"): the last of the seven Divine middos, or attributes, and of their corresponding mortal middos, or spiritual emotions
Mashiach(lit., "the anointed one"): Messiah
matzah (pl., matzos)unleavened bread eaten on *Pesach
Midrashany one of the classical collections of the Sages' homiletical teachings on the Torah, on the non-literal level of *derush
minyan (pl., minyanim)quorum of ten men required for communal prayer
Mishkanthe Tabernacle, i.e., the temporary Sanctuary in the wilderness; see Shmos 25ff.
Mishnahthe germinal statements of law elucidated by the *Gemara, together with which they constitute the *Talmud
Mishneh Torahthe encyclopedic codification by Rambam (Maimonides) of all the laws of the Written and Oral Torah; also known as HaYad HaChazakah
mitzvah (pl., mitzvos)a religious obligation; one of the 613 Commandments
Mussafthe additional prayer of *Shabbos and other festive days
nasi(a) in Biblical times, the head of any one of the Twelve Tribes; (b) in later generations, the civil and/or spiritual head of the Jewish community at large
nazirone who sets himself apart for divine service by undertaking certain ascetic restrictions; cf. Bamidbar 6:1-21
nefesh (pl., nefashos)(a) soul; (b) the lowest of the five levels of the soul (cf. Bereishis Rabbah 14:9)
neshamah (pl., neshamos)(a) soul; (b) the third of the five levels of the soul (cf. Bereishis Rabbah 14:9)
Netzach(lit., "eternity; conquest; victory"): the fourth of the seven Divine middos, or attributes, and of their corresponding mortal middos, or spiritual emotions
niggun (pl., niggunim)melody, usually wordless, especially one figuring in divine service
nigleh(lit., "revealed"): the revealed levels of the Torah (e.g., *Talmud and *Halachah); in contrast to *nistar
nistar(lit., "hidden"): the mystical levels of the Torah (e.g., *Kabbalah and *Chassidus); in contrast to *nigleh
parshah (pl., parshiyos)portion of the Torah read publicly each week
Parshas...the parshah of...
PesachPassover, a seven-day festival beginning on 15 Nissan, commemorating the Exodus from Egypt
Pirkei Avos(lit., "chapters of the fathers"): tractate in the *Mishnah reprinted in most *Siddurim and commonly known as "Ethics of the Fathers"
pnimiyus haTorahthe innermost, mystical dimension of the Torah; cf. *nistar
posek (pl., poskim)decisors; rabbis whose legal decisions are authoritative
pshatthe plain meaning of (e.g.) a Scriptural passage
rav (pl., rabbanim)rabbi, Torah teacher
Rebbe(common Yid. pronunciation, "my teacher [or master]"; pl., Rebbeim): *tzaddik who serves as spiritual guide to a following of chassidim; see *Chassidus
Red Heiferoffering made in Temple times as part of a process of ritual cleansing (Bamidbar 19:1-22)
remezthe interpretation of Scripture at the level of allusive implication
Rishon(lit., "one of the early ones"; pl., Rishonim): a Torah authority of the period between the Geonim (early Middle Ages) and the publication of the *Shulchan Aruch (in the mid-sixteenth century)
Rosh Chodesh(lit., "head of the month"; pl. Rashei Chadashim): New Moon, i.e., one or two semi-festive days at the beginning of each month
Rosh HaShanah(lit., "head of the year"): the solemn New Year festival, falling on 1 and 2 Tishrei
ruach (pl., ruchos)(a) soul; (b) the second-lowest of the five levels of the soul (cf. Bereishis Rabbah 14:9)
ruchniyusspiritual reality
Seder(lit., "order"; pl., sedarim): the order of service observed at home on the first night of *Pesach (and outside of *Eretz Yisrael on the first two nights)
Sefer Torah (pl., Sifrei Torah)Torah scroll
Sefirah (pl., Sefiros)divine attributes or emanations which manifest themselves in each of the Four Worlds, and are the source of the corresponding ten faculties (kochos) of the soul
Sefiras HaOmerthe formal counting of the 49 days from the second day of *Pesach to the eve of *Shavuos (Vayikra 23:15-16)
seudas Mashiachthe Festive Meal of Mashiach held on the Last Day of *Pesach
Seventeenth of Tammuz, the Fast offast commemorating five calamities, including the breaching of the walls of Jerusalem during the Roman siege
Shabbos (pl., Shabbasos)the Sabbath
Shabbos Parshas...the *Shabbos on which a [named] *parshah is read
Shas(lit., "the Six Orders of the Mishnah"): the *Talmud in its entirety
Shavuos(lit., "weeks"): festival commemorating the Giving of the Torah at Sinai; in *Eretz Yisrael falling on 6 Sivan, and in the Diaspora on 6-7 Sivan
Shechinahthe Divine Presence
shechitahritual slaughtering
Shehecheyanu(lit., "Who has granted us life"): blessing pronounced on seasonal and other occasions for thanksgiving (Siddur, p. 87)
Shemitahthe seven-yearly Sabbatical year (Vayikra 25:1-7)
Shemoneh Esreh(lit., "eighteen [benedictions]"): prayer which is the solemn climax of each of the three daily services (Siddur, p. 50)
Shlita(acronym of the five Heb. wds., sheyichyeh l'orech Yomim Tovim amen): abbreviation placed after a person's name, expressing the wish "that he be preserved in life for many good days"
Shofarram's horn sounded on *Rosh HaShanah
Shulchan Aruch(lit., "a set table"): the standard Code of Jewish Law compiled by R. Yosef Caro in the mid-sixteenth century
sichah (pl., sichos)an informal Torah talk delivered by a Rebbe (cf. *maamar)
Siddur(lit., "order [of prayers]"): prayer book; page references in the present work are to the edition (with English translation) entitled Siddur Tehillat HaShem (Kehot, N.Y., 1979)
Simchas Torah(lit., "the Rejoicing of the Torah"): festival immediately following Sukkos, on which the public reading of the Torah is annually concluded and recommenced; in *Eretz Yisrael coincides with Shemini Atzeres, and in the Diaspora falls on the following day
siyyum(lit., "conclusion"): celebration marking one's completion of a Talmudic tractate
sodthe level of Torah interpretation that plumbs its Kabbalistic or mystical depths
Talmudthe basic compendium of Jewish law, thought, and Biblical commentary, comprising *Mishnah and *Gemara; when unspecified refers to the Talmud Bavli, the edition developed in Babylonia, and edited at end of the fifth century C.E.; the Talmud Yerushalmi is the edition compiled in *Eretz Yisrael at end of the fourth century C.E.
tamimsee *temimim
Tanachacronym for Torah (i.e., the Five Books of Moses), Nevi'im (the Prophets), and Kesuvim (the Writings; i.e., the Hagiographa
tanna (pl., tannaim)authority of the 1st-2nd. cents. quoted in the *Mishnah
Tanyathe Alter Rebbe's basic exposition of *Chabad *Chassidus; "Tanya" is the initial word of the book, which is also called Likkutei Amarim ("Collected Discourses") and Sefer shel Beinonim ("The Book of the Intermediates")
tefillinsmall black leather cubes containing parchment scrolls inscribed with Shema Yisrael and other Biblical passages, bound to the arm and forehead and worn by men at weekday morning prayers; "phylacteries"
Tehillim(lit., "praises"): the Book of Psalms
temimim (pl. of tamim)students past or present of one of the senior *yeshivos of the *Lubavitch branch of *Chassidism, which are known as Tomchei Temimim
teshuvah(lit., "return"): repentance
Tiferes(lit., "glory"): the third of the seven Divine middos, or attributes, and of their corresponding mortal middos, or spiritual emotions
tikkun (pl., tikkunim)the process of refining, restituting and rehabilitating the materiality of this world
Tikkun Chatzos(lit., "midnight service"): an optional devotional exercise lamenting the Destruction of the *Beis HaMikdash and the subsequent exile of the Divine Presence on a cosmic level
Tishah BeAv(lit., "the Ninth of [the month of] Av"): fast commemorating the Destruction of both Temples
Tomchei Temimim(a) the *yeshivah founded in *Lubavitch in 1897 by the Rebbe Rashab; (b) one of its subsequent offshoots
tzaddik (pl., tzaddikim)(a) completely righteous individual (b) *Rebbe
tzimtzumthe self-limitation of the infinite and emanating Divine light by progressive degrees of contraction, condensation and concealment, and making possible the creation of finite and physical substances
Worlds, the Fourthe main stages in the creative process resulting from *tzimtzum; in descending order: *Atzilus, *Beriah, *Yetzirah and *Asiyah, often referred to by their acronym as abiya
yechidahthe highest or innermost of the five levels of the soul (cf. Bereishis Rabbah 14:9)
yeshivahTorah academy for advanced students
Yesod(lit., "foundation"): the sixth of the seven Divine middos, or attributes, and of their corresponding mortal middos, or spiritual emotions
Yetzirah, the World of(lit., "the World of Formation"): the third (in descending order) of the Four *Worlds
Yiddishkeit(lit., "Jewishness"; Yid.): the Torah way of life
Yom-Tov Sheni shel Galuyosone of the days which only in the Diaspora is appended to each of the three Pilgrim Festivals
Yud-Beis and Yud-Gimmel Tammuz("the twelfth and thirteenth of [the month of] Tammuz"): chassidic festival marking the anniversary of the release of the Rebbe Rayatz from incarceration and exile in Stalinist Russia in 1927
Yud-Tes Kislev("the nineteenth of [the month of] Kislev"): chassidic festival celebrating the liberation of the Alter Rebbe from capital sentence and imprisonment in Petersburg (1798), after having been slandered to the czarist authorities by his opponents
Zohar(lit., "radiance"): classical work embodying the mystical teachings of the *Kabbalah



  1. (Back to text) See footnote 547 above.

  2. (Back to text) Yeshayahu 11:6.

  3. (Back to text) Yirmeyahu 5:6.

  4. (Back to text) Yeshayahu 11:7.

  5. (Back to text) Berachos 34b.

  6. (Back to text) Yechezkel ch. 38.

  7. (Back to text) Malachi 3:23.

  8. (Back to text) The name of the prophet is occasionally spelled, as in this verse, without the final letter vav.

  9. (Back to text) Malachi 3:24.

  10. (Back to text) Sanhedrin 97b.

  11. (Back to text) Malachi 3:3.

  12. (Back to text) Ezra 2:63.

  13. (Back to text) 9:2.

  14. (Back to text) Yeshayahu 11:9.

  15. (Back to text) For the full Hebrew and English text, excerpts of which are quoted below, see p. 195 above.

  16. (Back to text) Ramban on Bereishis 1:11.

  17. (Back to text) Berachos 34a, which Rambam quotes in Halachah 2 below. See I Await His Coming Every Day, p. 51ff.

  18. (Back to text) Commenting on Rambam's Hilchos Teshuvah 8:7.

  19. (Back to text) Yeshayahu 64:3.

  20. (Back to text) In Hilchos Teshuvah 8:7.

  21. (Back to text) Shabbos 63a.

  22. (Back to text) Yeshayahu 2:4.

  23. (Back to text) Rashi, Shabbos, loc. cit.

  24. (Back to text) Hilchos Shabbos 19:1.

  25. (Back to text) See his Commentary to the Mishnah, in the Introduction to ch. 10 of Tractate Sanhedrin, Principle 13; cf. Hilchos Teshuvah 3:6. See also footnote 131 above.

  26. (Back to text) Cf. Shnei Luchos HaBris, p. 23b.

  27. (Back to text) See Halachah 11:3 above.

  28. (Back to text) Toras Kohanim on Vayikra 26:4, cited by Rashi there.

  29. (Back to text) Yeshayahu 52:13.

  30. (Back to text) Ibid. 11:6.

  31. (Back to text) Vayikra 26:6.

  32. (Back to text) Ch. 6.

  33. (Back to text) I.e., in Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Melachim.

  34. (Back to text) Yeshayahu 11:1.

  35. (Back to text) Halachah 4.

  36. (Back to text) See the first of the passages above that comment on the words, "The world will continue according to its pattern."

  37. (Back to text) For the full Hebrew and English text, excerpts of which are quoted below, see p. 196 above.

  38. (Back to text) Sanhedrin 97b.

  39. (Back to text) For the full Hebrew and English text, excerpts of which are quoted below, see p. 198 above.

  40. (Back to text) In the original, al menas lekabeil pras; Avos 1:3.

  41. (Back to text) Hilchos Teshuvah 10:1.

  42. (Back to text) Op. cit. 8:2.

  43. (Back to text) Berachos 17b.

  44. (Back to text) Hilchos Teshuvah 10:3.

  45. (Back to text) Loc. cit. 10:6.

  46. (Back to text) For the full Hebrew and English text, excerpts of which are quoted below, see p. 199 above.

  47. (Back to text) In the original, halachos halachos; see his Introduction to Mishneh Torah.

  48. (Back to text) Rambam, Hilchos Teshuvah 8:2.

  49. (Back to text) In the original, milchemtah shel Torah (Sanhedrin 111b, describing the intellectual sparring of Torah scholars).

  50. (Back to text) Bava Basra 75a.

  51. (Back to text) Halachah 12:1 above.

  52. (Back to text) See the first of the passages above that comment on the words, "The world will continue according to its pattern."

  53. (Back to text) See the beginning of ch. 4 in Part 6 of the present work.

  54. (Back to text) See later in the present halachah.

  55. (Back to text) Yeshayahu 11:9.

  56. (Back to text) 9:1.

  57. (Back to text) Ch. 4.

  58. (Back to text) Halachah 20.

  59. (Back to text) Tehillim 34:15.

  60. (Back to text) 14. From the Shemoneh Esreh (Siddur Tehillat HaShem, p. 60). See also Tanya, ch. 32, in Lessons In Tanya (Kehot, N.Y., 1987), p. 425.

  61. (Back to text) 9:1.

  62. (Back to text) Sanhedrin 59a.

  63. (Back to text) Yoel 3:1.

  64. (Back to text) In the original, lo... ela.

  65. (Back to text) Hilchos Talmud Torah 3:9.

  66. (Back to text) In the original, mi sheToraso umnaso (lit., "the Torah is his craft"): one whose constant occupation is Torah study.

  67. (Back to text) Hilchos Teshuvah 9:2.

  68. (Back to text) Hilchos Yesodei HaTorah 2:12.

  69. (Back to text) In the original, chochmas haemes (lit., "the Teachings of Truth"): the esoteric scholarship of the Kabbalah.

  70. (Back to text) I.e, Maaseh Merkavah (lit., "the Subject of the [Celestial] Chariot"; cf. Yechezkel, ch. 1): more generally, the ultimate mysteries of the heavenly spheres.

  71. (Back to text) In the Aram. original, cheftza (the "object") and gavra (the "person"); terms borrowed from the field of Talmudic analysis.

  72. (Back to text) In the original, misbatel mimtziuso.

  73. (Back to text) In the original, Mitzrayim di'kedushah. Mitzrayim = Egypt; Meitzarim = restrictive straits.

  74. (Back to text) Yeshayahu 11:9.

  75. (Back to text) In Tanya, ch. 3, the Alter Rebbe points out that "daas, whose etymology may be found in the verse (Bereishis 4:1), 'And Adam knew (yoda) Eve,' implies attachment and union." See Lessons In Tanya, Vol. I, pp. 66, 72.

  76. (Back to text) Devarim 4:35.

  77. (Back to text) See Iggeres HaKodesh, towards the end of Epistle 26, in Lessons In Tanya, Vol. V, p. 154. (Footnote 71 there summarizes the Rebbe's analysis of the diverse sources on this subject.) See also: R. Nissan Dovid Dubov, To Live and Live Again, pp. 91-105.

  78. (Back to text) Shmos 18:20.

  79. (Back to text) Zechariah 13:2.

  80. (Back to text) See the Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch, Hilchos Talmud Torah 2:10; see also Iggeres HaKodesh, loc. cit.

  81. (Back to text) Chullin 66b.

  82. (Back to text) In the original, yagdil Torah veyadir; Yeshayahu 42:21.

  83. (Back to text) In the original, derush vekibel s'char; Sotah 44a.

  84. (Back to text) Hilchos Kiddush HaChodesh 17:24.

  85. (Back to text) Cf. the discussion of the snake in Bechoros 8:1.

  86. (Back to text) Devarim 12:20, 19:8.

  87. (Back to text) See Maamarei Admur HaZakein 5565 [1805], Vol. II, p. 798ff.

  88. (Back to text) See the above passage on the phrase, "...will be solely to know G-d alone" (ii).

  89. (Back to text) On Shir HaShirim 1:2.

  90. (Back to text) Hilchos Yesodei HaTorah 4:10.

  91. (Back to text) Both Heb. terms appear in Chagigah 11b. See also footnote 751 above.

  92. (Back to text) Cf. Kuzari III, 11. See Shaar HaYichud VehaEmunah, ch. 2 (in Lessons In Tanya, Vol. III, p. 847).

  93. (Back to text) Rashi on Bereishis 10:9.

  94. (Back to text) Uktzin 77b, the last page of the Babylonian Talmud.

  95. (Back to text) Tehillim 29:11.

  96. (Back to text) Hilchos Yesodei HaTorah 1:1.

    Traditionally, when a siyyum is celebrated to mark the completion of the study of the entire Shas, the scholar presenting the concluding discourse (the hadran) seeks to find thematic connections between the end of the last tractate and the beginning of the first. The following five brief passages apply this tradition to the festive conclusion of the annual study cycle of the entire Mishneh Torah. The erudite hadranim which the Rebbe delivered to mark such occasions have been published in full as Kuntreis Shalmei Chagigah: Hadranim al HaRambam (Heb.; Kehot, Kfar Chabad, 5750 [1990]). Two of them appear (in documented English adaptation) as chs. 5 and 6 of I Await His Coming Every Day.

  97. (Back to text) Bereishis Rabbah 30:8.

  98. (Back to text) See the above passage which is headed, "For the world will be filled with the knowledge of G-d as the waters cover the ocean bed (iii)."

  99. (Back to text) This Name is also known as Shem HaMeforash (lit., "the explicit Name"); Shem HaEtzem (lit., "the Name of His Essence"); and Shem HaMeyuchad (lit., "the Name which is an integral part of His Essence").

  100. (Back to text) Shmos 20:2.

  101. (Back to text) See the above passage which is headed, "For the world will be filled with the knowledge of G-d as the waters cover the ocean bed (ii)."

  102. (Back to text) Tehillim 148:14.

  103. (Back to text) Tanya, ch. 2, paraphrasing Iyov 31:2.

  Studies in Rambam, Hilchos Melachim, Ch. 12 
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