Rabbi Chananya Ben Akashya Said:[1] "The Holy One, Blessed Be He, Wished To Make The People Of Israel Meritorious; Therefore He Gave Them Torah And Mitzvos In Abundant Measure, As It Is Written:[2] 'The L-Rd Desired, For The Sake Of His [Israel's] Righteousness, To Make The Torah Great And Glorious.' "
, translated as "to make meritorious," also means "to refine." The goal of the Torah and its
mitzvos is to refine the Jewish people. This intention is manifest in
Pirkei Avos, which teaches us to lift our ethical conduct above the limits of human wisdom and cultivate it according to G-d's desire.
(Likkutei Sichos, Vol. XVII, p. 416)

- (Back to text) Makkos 23b.
- (Back to text) Yeshayahu 42:21.