All That The Holy One, Blessed Be He, Created In His World, He Created Solely For His Glory, As It Is Stated:[66] "All That Is Called By My Name - Indeed, It Is For My Glory That I Have Created It, Formed It, And Made It;" And It Says:[67] "The L-Rd Shall Reign Forever And Ever."
G-dliness is seldom openly revealed in our world. Nevertheless, this lack of manifestation does not change the reality. Everything, even those entities which appear totally secular in nature...
Moreover, to express G-dliness is not merely one of the purposes served by these entities; it is the
sole reason for their existence.
Therefore a person should not shy away from worldly involvement. On the contrary, in whatever he does and wherever he finds himself, he should seek to find a means of honoring G-d. For example, new developments in technology and communications need not be ignored, or used only for commercial enterprise. The real purpose of their existence is that they be employed to express G-d's honor.
(Sichos Shabbos Parshas Nitzavim, 5728; Parshas Balak, 5741)
This prooftext alludes to the four spiritual worlds:
Atzilus, Beriah, Yetzirah, and
Asiyah. "All that is called by My Name" refers to the world of
Atzilus, for this is the realm of oneness, appropriately called by G-d's name. The phrases "I have created it, formed it, and made it" refer to the worlds of
Beriah, Yetzirah and
Asiyah as reflected by the Hebrew terms (Berasiv, Yetzartiv, Asisiv).
All existence, both spiritual and material, shares the same purpose: to express G-d's praise.
This teaching serves as an appropriate conclusion for Pirkei Avos - a work intended to teach mili dechassidusa - pious conduct beyond the measure of the law. When a person realizes that everything in this world and, as alluded to in the prooftext, also in the spiritual worlds, exists only to express G-d's praise, he will be more motivated to accept his role in this undertaking, and reflect G-d's honor through his pious conduct.
(Sichos Shabbos Parshas Nitzavim, 5728)
This phrase refers to the Era of the Redemption. This is the ultimate goal of our pious conduct, to usher in the era in which G-d's glory will be revealed in the most consummate manner.
(Sichos Shabbos Parshas Pinchas, 5744)

- (Back to text) Yeshayahu 43:7.
- (Back to text) Shmos 15:l8.