There Are Four Types Among Those Who Give Charity: One Who Wishes To Give But That Others Should Not - He Begrudges Others; That Others Should Give And He Should Not - He Begrudges Himself; That He Should Give And Others Should Too - He Is Pious; That He Should Not Give Nor Should Others - He Is Wicked.
One might ask: Why is a person who wishes that "he should not give nor should others" included among those who give charity? The truth is, however, that every Jew is by nature a giver of charity. Even when he does not actually give, his inner desire is to do so, for every Jew wishes to perform all the
mitzvos, and separate himself from sin. It is merely his evil inclination which sometimes compels him to act otherwise.
And the very awareness of this inner will is itself an impetus bringing it into expression. For the essential nature of every entity seeks expression. This tendency is enhanced when the individual and those around him are conscious of this inner drive.
(Sichos Shabbos Parshas Eikev, 5747)
Alternatively, it can be explained that, in practice, all four types of people give charity, for this is a natural expression of a Jew's nature. Differences will exist only with regard to the thinking processes accompanying the act. There may be those who wish that neither they nor others should give, but in practice all give.
(Sichos Shabbos Parshas Nitzavim-Vayeilech, 5739)

- (Back to text) Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Gerushin 2:20.