There Are Four Types Of Temperaments: Easily Angered And Easily Pacified - His Loss Is Outweighed By His Merit; Hard To Anger And Hard To Pacify - His Merit Is Outweighed By His Loss; Hard To Anger And Easy To Pacify - Pious; Easily Angered And Hard To Pacify - Wicked.
Again, one might ask why
Pirkei Avos should concern itself with a person of this nature?
Here, too, a similar resolution can be offered. "Easily angered and hard to pacify"[51] refers to the person's temperament, not to his conduct. In practice, the person is able to restrain himself, and should he lose his temper, he becomes mollified quickly. Nevertheless, since he possesses such a tendency, Pirkei Avos terms him "wicked" so he should realize the challenge he faces.
Similarly, people who are only "easily angered" or "hard to pacify" must realize the importance of going beyond that nature and eradicating such traits.
(Sichos Shabbos Parshas Nitzavim-Vayeilech, 5739)

- (Back to text) It must be emphasized that these two traits run directly contrary to the standards established by Torah law. For the Rambam states (Mishneh Torah, Hilchos De'os 2:3, cited by the Shulchan Aruch HaRav 156:3): "Anger is a very undesirable quality... it is proper to maintain the furthest possible distance from it."
With regard to becoming pacified easily, the Rambam states (Hilchos Teshuvah 2:10): "When a person who wrongs one asks for forgiveness, one should forgive him with a perfect heart and a willing spirit." The Shulchan Aruch HaRav 606:8 states that one should grant such forgiveness immediately.