Seven Kinds Of Punishment Come To The World For Seven Kinds Of Transgressions.
If Some Tithe And Some Do Not, A Famine Of [War] Panic Ensues: Some Suffer Hunger And Some Have Plenty.
If All Decide Not To Tithe, A Famine Of Drought Ensues; And [If They Also Decide] Not To Separate The Challah,[42] A Famine Of Destruction Ensues.
Pestilence Comes To The World [As Retribution For The Transgressions Which] The Torah Mentions That Are Punishable By Death, But Which The Court Of Justice Was Not Empowered To Carry Out; And For [Making Forbidden Use Of] The Fruits Of The Sabbatical Year.[43]
War Comes To The World For The Delay Of Justice, For The Perversion Of Justice And For Rendering A Torah Decision Not In Accordance With Halachah.
mishnah indicates that there is a direct connection between peace and the integrity of Torah law. Flaunting Torah law is not only a question of religious observance, it's a matter of security. The converse is also true; adherence to the Torah promotes peace and safety for our people, both in
Eretz Yisrael and throughout the world.

- (Back to text) V. Bamidbar 15:20; Yechezkel 44:30.
- (Back to text) V. Shmos 23:11; Vayikra 25:1-7.