Our Patriarch Avraham Was Tested With Ten Tests, And He Withstood Them All To Show How Great Was Our Patriarch Avraham's Love [For G-D].
As mentioned, the number ten reflects the full scope of our personal potential. Avraham showed his devotion to G-d with every dimension of his being.
The purpose of the tests which Avraham underwent - and of the challenges which his descendants, each and every member of the Jewish people, confronts - is to bring into expression a more powerful love for G-d, as it is written:
[13] "G-d... is testing you to see if you love G-d... with all your heart and with all your soul."
Avraham is described as , our Patriarch (literally "our father"). Just as a father bequeaths his estate to his descendants, Avraham bequeathed his spiritual legacy to the entire Jewish people. His spiritual legacy empowers each of us, endowing us with the strength to withstand the challenges we face in our divine service.
(Sichos Shabbos Parshas Chukas, 5737)

- (Back to text) Devarim 13:4.