Rabbi Levitas Of Yavneh Said: "Be Of An Exceedingly Humble Spirit, For The Expectation Of Mortal Man Is But Worms."[13]
Rabbi Yochanan Ben Berokah Said: "Whoever Desecrates The Heavenly Name In Secret, Punishment Will Be Meted Out To Him In Public; Unwittingly Or Intentionally, It Is All The Same In Regard To The Desecration Of [G-D's] Name."
With regard to pride, the
Rambam writes:
[14] "Any person who has the slightest trace of a haughty spirit is worthy of being placed under a ban of ostracism." The commentaries explain that the
Rambam is rejecting the view in the
Talmud,[15] which permits a sage to possess an eighth of an eighth measure of pride.
The Alter Rebbe explains[16] that the small measure of pride our Sages mentioned is necessary. Were a person to lack it, "he would not desire to approach divine service, for he would think: 'Who am I, and what are my efforts worth?' "
There is not, however, necessarily a contradiction between the two views. The Alter Rebbe is speaking with regard to a person in the initial phases of divine service. In such an instance, unless the person realizes that divine service will enhance his self-esteem, he will not be motivated to apply himself. When, however, a person has progressed in his divine service, he must cultivate the application of the Rambam's teaching and shun haughtiness entirely.
(Sefer HaSichos 5749, p. 101ff)
The sanctification or desecration of G-d's Name is not dependent on a person's intent, but on the impression created in the world at large. A person may have the highest intentions when performing a given act. Nevertheless, if the performance gives other people an unfavorable view of the Torah or a Torah personality, G-d's Name has been desecrated.
When, by contrast, a person's behavior - both intentional and unintentional - causes the Torah to be revered, so that people look at him and say: "See what a personality the Torah has molded!"[17] he is sanctifying G-d's name.

- (Back to text) V. supra, Pirkei Avos 3:1.
- (Back to text) Mishneh Torah, Hilchos De'os 2:3
- (Back to text) Sotah 5a.
- (Back to text) Torah Or, Megillas Esther 91b.
- (Back to text) Cf. Yoma 86a.