He Would Say: "Do Not Regard Anyone With Contempt, And Do Not Reject Anything, For There Is No Man Who Does Not Have His Hour, And Nothing Which Does Not Have Its Place."
That hour of positive activity will have a lasting effect on a person, although the effects may not be seen immediately.
(Sefer HaSichos 5751, Vol. II, p. 625)
Even a mortal architect strives to ensure that every part of the building he designs is functional. This tendency has its source in the creativity of G-d Himself. Every particle which He creates exists for a purpose; there is a specific divine intent which cannot be completed without it.
(Likkutei Sichos, Vol. XXI, p. 42)

- (Back to text) Shabbos 77b. See also the Guide to the Perplexed, Vol. III, ch. 25.