Rabbi Eliezer (Ben) Chisma Said: "The Laws Pertaining To The Bird-Sacrifices And The Calculation Of The Onset Of The Niddah State Are Essentials Of Torah Law; The Calculation Of The Heavenly Cycles And Geometry Are Condiments To Wisdom."
As the commentaries explain,
[85] calculations become necessary when a doubt arises with regard to these matters, and one must bring more bird-offerings or immerse oneself in the
mikveh on more occasions than would be required had such doubt not arisen. Although these may appear of secondary importance
and must be studied with the same dedication that is given to other matters of Torah law. Ignoring them diminishes one's comprehension of the Torah as a whole.
Rabbi Eliezer was an expert in mathematics and physics; Rabbi Yehoshua[86] stated that he could calculate the number of drops of water in the ocean. It is thus implied that he could appreciate how even the most minute particle contributes a dimension of perfection to the entity of which it is a part. Similarly, he understood how even the apparently insignificant aspects of Torah law are essential.
(Sichos Shabbos Parshas Korach, 5741)

- (Back to text) R. Ovadiah of Bartenura.
- (Back to text) Horios 10b. See Tosafos Yom Tov who explains that this is reflected in his reference to astronomy (the knowledge of the heavens) and geometry (the knowledge of earthly wisdom).