Rabbi Chalafta Ben Dosa Of Kfar Chananya Said: "If Ten People Sit Together And Occupy Themselves With Torah, The Divine Presence Rests Among Them, As It Is Said:[23] 'G-D Stands In The Assembly Of The L-Rd.'
"Which Source Teaches That The Same Is True Even Of Five? It Is Said:[24] 'He Has Founded His Band Upon The Earth.'
"Which Source Teaches That The Same Is True Even Of Three? It Is Said:[25] 'Among The Judges He Renders Judgment.'
"Which Source Teaches That The Same Is True Even Of Two? It Is Stated:[26] 'Then The G-D-Fearing Conversed With One Another, And The L-Rd Hearkened And Heard.'
"Which Source Teaches That The Same Is True Even Of One? It Is Said:[27] 'In Every Place Where I Have My Name Mentioned I Will Come To You And Bless You.' "
Whenever ten people congregate, regardless of the nature of the gathering, the Divine Presence rests among them.
[28] Their approach to each other and the nature of their activities amplify its influence on them.
Two positive dimensions are implied by this term:
- Balance and permanence, for the Hebrew ("sit") relates to the term which has these implications.
- Unity. Not only are the people located in the same place, they are joined together.
The Hebrew word , translated as "occupy themselves," implies concentrated attention and sustained effort.
[29] We are referring to ten individuals who are able to make such a commitment, and to do so with feelings of unity and cooperation.
Although the union of different individuals in a project is always of value, a much higher level is reached when these individuals devote their combined energies to Torah study.
Because of all the advantages mentioned, the level of the Divine Presence which rests upon such a gathering is higher than the level mentioned in the clauses that follow.
(Sichos Shabbos Parshas Shelach, 5746)
"IN EVERY PLACE WHERE I HAVE MY NAME MENTIONED I WILL COME TO YOU AND BLESS YOU" - Although the positive influences brought about when many join in Torah study are greater, we must appreciate how important the efforts of one individual can be. As the prooftext indicates, G-d diverts His attention from all other matters, as it were, and comes to bless him.
(Sefer HaSichos 5748, Vol. II, p. 582)

- (Back to text) Tehillim 82:1.
- (Back to text) Amos 9:6.
- (Back to text) Tehillim 82:1.
- (Back to text) Malachi 3:16.
- (Back to text) Shmos 20:21.
- (Back to text) Sanhedrin 39a, see Tanya, Iggeres HaKodesh, Epistle 23.
- (Back to text) See our notes to chapter 6, mishnah 1.