He Used To Say: "It Is Not Incumbent Upon You To Complete The Work, Yet You Are Not Free To Desist From It; If You Have Studied Much Torah, Much Reward Will Be Given To You, And Your Employer Is Trustworthy To Pay You The Reward For Your Labor. But Know That The Giving Of The Reward To The Righteous Will Be In The World To Come."
The realization of the immensity of the task before us should not lead people to despair, because...
A person is never required to do more than he can.
[51] On the contrary, G-d gives each person a mission which he can fulfill without having to face challenges which he is unable to overcome.
Even if at times a person feels daunted by the task facing him, he must know that...
and must persist with
kabbalas ol. Even when he does not naturally feel joy in his Torah service, he should persevere; such full-hearted dedication will lead to personal fulfillment.

- (Back to text) Avodah Zarah 3a.