He Also Saw A Skull Floating On The Water. He Said To It: "Because You Drowned Others, They Drowned You; And Ultimately Those Who Drowned You Will Themselves Be Drowned."
Our Rabbis
[18] explain that this refers to the skull of Pharaoh, who was drowned in punishment for having Jewish boys drowned in the Nile. When Hillel saw Pharaoh's skull, he realized that this was an extraordinary phenomenon, and contemplated the matter, gaining this insight.
Why did G-d cause this to happen? The fact that Hillel learned a lesson from the skull and shared it with others enabled the skull to come to eternal rest after thousands of years of drifting on the waters. This is the intent of the phrase "he said to it." Hillel made his statement for the skull's benefit. Once the skull had communicated its lesson, it had fulfilled its purpose and could rest.
(Sichos Shabbos Parshas Emor, 5744)

- (Back to text) The AriZal (Shaar Mamaarei Razal) and Rav David HaNaggid, the Rambam's grandson (Midrash David).