Shemayah And Avtalyon Received [The Oral Tradition] From Them. Shemayah Said: "Love Work; Abhor Taking High Office; And Do Not Seek Intimacy With The Ruling Power."
These three directives reflect Shemayah's humility.
Do not say: "It is beneath my dignity to perform common labor."
A person should not seek to place a crown on his own head.
Nor should he boast: "I am a friend of the ruler of the city!"
Since Shemayah was the Nasi - the Torah leader of the Jewish people - he knew the importance of humility. For a leader's prominence comes as a result of his selflessness. Because he has no concern for himself, he is fit to serve as a medium to lead his people to an awareness of G-d's sovereignty.[39]
(Sichos Shabbos Parshas Shemini, 5728)

- (Back to text) See Rashi's commentary.
- (Back to text) The interpretation of Avos d'Rabbi Nossan 11:2.
- (Back to text) Ibid.:3.
- (Back to text) Sec Tzemech Tzedek, Derech Mitzvosecho, Mitzvas Minui Melech, sec. 1.