Acharon Shel Pesach | Last day of Pesach |
Achashverosh | King of Persia and protagonist in the events chronicled in Megillas Esther |
Adam | first man, created by G-d |
Adar | the twelfth month of the Jewish year when counting from Nissan (or the sixth when counting from Tishrei); the month in which Purim is celebrated |
Agag | King of Amalek in the times of King Shaul |
Aharon | first Kohen Gadol, brother to Moshe and Miriam |
ahavas yisroel | the love of a fellow Jew |
Akivah, Rabbi | one of the foremost of the Talmudic Sages |
Al HaNissim | special prayer recited on Chanukah and Purim |
Alter Rebbe | (lit., "the Old Rebbe"; Yid.): R. Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812), also known as "the Rav" and as Baal HaTanya; founder of the Chabad-Lubavitch trend within the chassidic movement; disciple of the Maggid of Mezritch, and father of the Mitteler Rebbe. |
Amalek | a nation descended from Esav, which attacked the Jews after they left Egypt |
Antiochus | Greek-Syrian emperor whose armies fought against and were defeated by the Chasmoneans |
aravah | willow, used during the festival of Sukkos for the mitzvah of the Four Species |
Ari | (lit., "lion"): month of Av |
AriZal | (lit., "the lion of blessed memory"): R. Isaac Luria (1534-1572), one of the leading Kabbalistic luminaries |
Ariel | Jerusalem and/or the Sanctuary |
Asarah B'Teves | Tenth day of the month of Teves, a public fast |
Av | the fifth month of the Jewish year when counting from Nissan (or the eleventh when counting from Tishrei); the month in which both Temples were destroyed |
Avraham | the first of the three patriarchs of the Jewish people |
Baal Shem Tov | (lit., "Master of the Good Name"): R. Yisrael ben R. Eliezer (1698-1760), founder of Chassidism |
Beis HaMikdosh | the (First or Second) Temple in Jerusalem |
Bavel | Babylon |
Bereishis | the Book of Genesis |
Bigson | one of King Achashverosh's chamberlains who plotted to kill the king, as narrated in Megillas Esther |
Binah | "understanding"; second of the ten Sefiros, or divine emanations; the second stage of the intellectual process |
Cantonist (pl. "Cantonists") | Jewish children forcibly conscripted into the Czarist army |
Chabad | (acronym for the Hebrew words meaning "wisdom, understanding, and knowledge"): the approach to Chassidism which filters its spiritual and emotional power through the intellect; a synonym for Chabad is Lubavitch, the name of the town where this movement originally flourished |
Chabad Chassidus | the philosophy or literature of the Chabad branch of Chassidus |
Chag HaMatzos | (lit., "Festival of Matzos"): another name for the festival of Pesach |
Chag HaPesach | Festival of Pesach |
chakikah | engraving |
Chanah | mother of the prophet Shmuel |
Chanukah | (lit., "dedication"): eight-day festival beginning 25 Kislev, commemorating the Maccabees' rededication of the Temple in the second century B.C.E., and marked by the kindling of lights |
Chasmoneans | the priestly family which fought the Greeks and whose victory culminated in the festival of Chanukah |
Chassidus | Chassidism, i.e., (a) the movement founded in the eighteenth century by R. Yisrael, the Baal Shem Tov; (b) the philosophy or literature of this movement |
cheder | school in which young children learn reading skills and begin the study of the Torah |
cheshbon hanefesh | soul reckoning |
Chizkiyahu | King of Yehudah at the time Jerusalem was besieged by Sancheriv |
Chochmah | "wisdom"; the first of the Ten Sefiros, or divine emanations; first of the intellectual powers of the soul |
chok | statute |
chometz | leavened products forbidden for use on Pesach |
chukim | plural of chok |
Daas | "knowledge"; third of the Ten Sefiros, or divine emanations |
Don | one of the twelve sons of Yaakov, from whom descended the tribe of Don |
echad | one |
ed | one of the three categories of mitzvos |
eidus | plural of ed |
eikev | heel |
Elazar, R. | son of Rashbi |
Eli | the Kohel Gadol in the time of Chanah |
Elul | the sixth month of the Jewish year when counting from Nissan (or the twelfth when counting from Tishrei); a month devoted to repentance and soul-searching in preparation for the Days of Awe |
Eretz Yisroel | the Land of Israel |
Esav | twin brother to Yaakov, ancestor Amalek |
esrog | citron, used during the festival of Sukkos for the mitzvah of the Four Species |
Esther | together with Mordechai, principal Jewish protagonist in the events chronicled in Megillas Esther; descendent of King Shaul |
gal | mound |
gerah (pl. "gerahs") | one twentieth of a shekel |
gilui | the revelation of light |
golden calf | the idol which the Jews made when they mistakenly thought that Moshe was not coming down from Mt. Sinai |
goral | lot |
goralos | plural of goral |
hadas | myrtle, used during the festival of Sukkos for the mitzvah of the Four Species |
Haftorah | (lit., "the final passage"): the passage from the Prophets read in the synagogue after the conclusion of the Torah reading |
Haggadah Shel Pesach | (lit., "telling"): the text from which the Seder service is conducted on the first two nights of Passover (outside of Eretz Yisrael, and in Eretz Yisrael on the first night only) |
halachah (pl., halachos) | (a) the body of Torah law; (b) a particular law |
helem | concealment |
hiddur | (pl. hiddurim; lit. "embellishment"): enhancement or meticulous observance of a mitzvah beyond the demands of the letter of the law |
hiddur min hahiddur | the most meticulous observance possible of a mitzvah, in a manner beyond even hiddur |
Isru Chag | the day following a festival |
Iyar | the second month of the Jewish year when counting from Nissan (or the eighth when counting from Tishrei) |
Kabbalah | (lit., "received tradition"): the Jewish mystical tradition |
Kislev | the ninth month of the Jewish year when counting from Nissan (or the third when counting from Tishrei) |
kohanim (pl. of Kohen) | "priests"; i.e., the descendants of Aharon |
Kohen Gadol | High Priest |
kores | spiritual excision of the soul |
Lag BaOmer | the 33rd day of the Omer, a minor festival falling between Pesach and Shavuos |
Lavan | Yaakov's father-in-law |
Lech (lit, "go") | name of the third parshah in the Torah |
Likkutei Sichos | selection of the public talks of the Rebbe |
Likkutei Torah | a collection of chassidic discourses by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi |
Lubavitch | (lit., "town of love"; Rus.): townlet in Smolensk oblast, Belorussia, which was in the center of Chabad Chassidism from 1813, when the Mitteler Rebbe moved there from Liadi, until 1915, when his greatgrandson the Rebbe Rashab left it for Rostov, after having established the Tomchei Temimim Yeshivah there in 1897; the name of the township has remained a synonym for the Chabad branch of Chassidism |
lulav | palm-branch, used during the festival of Sukkos for the mitzvah of the Four Species |
maaser sheni | the tithe eaten in Jerusalem |
Maggid of Mezritch | (lit., "the preacher of Mezritch"): R. Dov Ber (d. 1772), disciple of the Baal Shem Tov, and mentor of the Alter Rebbe. |
manna | the food from heaven provided to the Jews in the desert after the exodus from Egypt and before entering Eretz Yisroel |
MarCheshvan | the eighth month of the Jewish year when counting from Nissan (or the second when counting from Tishrei) |
Mattan Torah | giving of the Torah |
Mattisyahu | the head of the family of Chasmoneans who fought the Greeks and whose victory culminated in the festival of Chanukah |
Matzah | the unleavened bread eaten on Passover (see Pesach) |
Matzos | plural of Matzah |
mazal | zodiac sign |
Megillah | (lit., "scroll"): short version of Megillas Esther |
Megillas Esther | the Biblical book of Esther |
mehader | one who performs mitzvos beyond the demands of the letter of the law |
mehadrin min hamehadrin | those who perform mitzvos in the most meticulous manner possible, in a manner beyond even hiddur |
menorah | the golden candelabrum lit in the Temple |
mesirus nefesh | (lit., "sacrifice of the soul"): the willingness to sacrifice oneself, either through martyrdom, or through a selfless life, for the sake of the Torah and its commandments |
metzorim | limitations |
middos (pl. of middah) | (a) attributes of character; emotions; mental states; (b) the Divine Attributes (e.g., Mercy) |
Midrash | classical collection of the Sages' homiletical teachings on the Bible |
mikvah | a ritual bath used by women for purification after emerging from the state of niddah, and used by both men and women in their endeavors to attain spiritual self-refinement |
Miriam | sister to Moshe and Aharon, in whose merit the Jews were provided with water in the desert |
Mishnah | the germinal statements of law elucidated by the Gemara, together with which they constitute the Talmud |
mishpat | one of the three categories of mitzvos |
mishpatim | plural of mishpat |
Mitteler Rebbe | (lit., "the Middle Rebbe"; Yid.): R. Dov Ber of Lubavitch (1773-1827), son and successor of the Alter Rebbe, and uncle and father-in-law of the Tzemach Tzedek. |
Mitzrayim | Egypt |
mitzvah (pl., mitzvos) | (lit., "command"): a religious obligation; one of the Torah's 613 Commandments |
Modeh Ani | (lit., "I thank [You]..."): opening phrase of the first sentence said upon rising in the morning; see Siddur, p. 6 |
Mordechai | together with Esther, principal Jewish protagonist in the events chronicled in Megillas Esther; descendant of King Shaul |
Moshe | Moses |
Moshiach | the Messiah |
motzoei [Shabbos, etc] | evening on which a Shabbos or Yom-Tov ends |
nasi | (a) in Biblical times, the head of any one of the Twelve Tribes; (b) in later generations, the civil and/or spiritual head of the Jewish community at large |
Ne'ilah | (lit., "locking"): the fifth prayer service recited before the conclusion of Yom Kippur, when the gates of heaven are being locked |
Nevuchadnetzar | King of Babylon, who laid siege to Jerusalem and eventually destroyed the first Beis HaMikdosh |
Nissan | the first month of the Jewish year according to certain reckonings, or the seventh when counting the months from Tishrei; the month of the Exodus from Egypt |
Noach | Noah. Also name of the second parshah in the Torah |
Ohel Moed | Sanctuary |
olam | world |
Omer | (lit., a certain measure of grain): the period of 49 days counted from the second day of Pesach to the eve of Shavuos |
parah adumah | red heifer used to purify Jews from ritual impurity |
parshah | portion of the Torah read publicly every week |
parshas | the parshah of [a certain Shabbos or festive occasion] |
parshas HaChodesh | portion of Torah concerning the Pesach offering and the mitzvah to keep a calendar, read on Shabbos parshas HaChodesh |
parshas Parah | portion of Torah concerning the mitzvah of the red heifer, read on Shabbos parshas Parah |
parshas Shekalim | portion of Torah concerning the mitzvah of the half-shekel, read on Shabbos parshas Shekalim |
parshas Zachor | portion of Torah concerning the mitzvah to remember what Amalek did to the Jewish people, read on Shabbos parshas Zachor |
Pesach | Passover, seven-day festival beginning on 15 Nissan, commemorating the Exodus from Egypt |
Pesach Sheni | (lit., "the second Passover"): opportunity given to certain persons who were unable to offer the Paschal sacrifice to do so one month later, on 14 Iyar |
Previous Rebbe | the Rebbe Rayatz, R. Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, father-in-law of the Rebbe |
Psalmist | King David, author of the Psalms |
pur | lot |
Purim | (lit., "lots"): one-day festival falling on 14 Adar and commemorating the miraculous salvation of the Jews of the Persian Empire in the fourth century B.C.E. |
Rambam | Maimonides |
Rashbi | (acronym for Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai): one of the greatest of the Talmudic Sages |
Rashi | (acronym for Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki; 1040-1105): the author of the foremost commentaries to the Torah and the Talmud |
Rebbe (pl. Rebbeim) | tzaddik who serves as spiritual guide to a following of chassidim |
Rebbe Maharash | (acronym for Moreinu ("our teacher") HaRav Shmuel): R. Shmuel Schneersohn of Lubavitch (1834-1882), the fourth Lubavitcher Rebbe; youngest son of the Tzemach Tzedek, and father of the Rebbe Rashab. |
Rebbe Rashab | (acronym for Rabbi Shalom Ber): R. Shalom Dov Ber Schneersohn of Lubavitch (1860-1920), the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe; second son of the Rebbe Maharash, and father of the Rebbe Rayatz. |
Rebbe Rayatz | (acronym for Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak), also known (in Yiddish) as "der frierdiker Rebbe" (i.e., "the Previous Rebbe"): R. Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (1880-1950), the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe; only son of the Rebbe Rashab, and father-in-law of the Rebbe. |
Rebbi | Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi, one of the foremost of the Talmudic Sages |
Rosh | lit., "the head" |
Rosh Chodesh | (lit., "the head of the month"): either one or two semi-festive days marking the beginning of the month |
Rosh HaShanah | (lit., "head of the year"): the New Year festival, falling on 1 and 2 Tishrei |
Roshei Chodoshim | plural of Rosh Chodesh |
Sancheriv | King of Assyria, who attempted to capture Jerusalem, but was thwarted by a miracle |
Schneur Zalman of Liadi | see Alter Rebbe |
Seresh | one of King Achashverosh's chamberlains who plotted to kill the king, as narrated in Megillas Esther |
seudah | meal, esp. a festive one |
Shabbos | Sabbath |
Shabbos Bereishis | first Shabbos of the Jewish year |
Shaul | first King of Israel |
Shavuos | (lit., "weeks"): festival commemorating the Giving of the Torah at Sinai, in Eretz Yisrael falling on 6 Sivan, and in the Diaspora on 6-7 Sivan |
Shekel | Biblical coin |
shekalim | plural of shekel |
Shema | section of the Torah recited in the daily prayers |
Shemini Atzeres | festival immediately following Sukkos |
Shevat | the eleventh month of the Jewish year when counting from Nissan (or the fifth when counting from Tishrei) |
Shevi'i Shel Pesach | seventh day of Pesach |
Shiloh | place where Sanctuary stayed for many years before the Beis HaMikdosh was built |
Shirah | song |
Shmuel | Jewish prophet, lived during the era of the last of the Judges and the first of the Kings |
schochet | ritual slaughterer |
shofar | ram's horn sounded on Rosh HaShanah |
sholom | complete, perfect |
Shulchan Aruch Admur HaZakein | (or "the Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch") is the later edition of the Jewish Code of Law compiled by the Alter Rebbe |
Sichah (pl., sichos) | an informal Torah talk delivered by a Rebbe |
Simchas Torah | (lit., "the rejoicing of the Torah"): the final day (in Eretz Yisrael, the eighth day; in the diaspora, the ninth) of the festival of Sukkos on which the annual cycle of Torah readings is completed; this event is celebrated with exuberant rejoicing |
Sivan | the third month of the Jewish year when counting from Nissan (or the ninth when counting from Tishrei); the month in which the Torah was given |
somach | (lit., "support"): laid siege to |
sukkah | (lit., "booth"; pl., sukkos): a temporary dwelling in which we are commanded to live during the festival of Sukkos |
Sukkos | (lit., "Booths"): seven-day festival (eight days in the Diaspora) beginning on 15 Tishrei, taking its name from the temporary dwelling in which one lives during this period |
tachanun | confessional prayer recited on weekdays |
Talmud | the basic compendium of Jewish law, thought, and Biblical commentary; when unspecified refers to the Talmud Bavli, the edition developed in Babylonia, and edited at end of the fifth century C.E.; the Talmud Yerushalmi is the edition complied in Eretz Yisrael at end of the fourth century C.E. |
Tammuz | the fourth month of the Jewish year when counting from Nissan (or the tenth when counting from Tishrei) |
Tanya | the classic text of Chabad chassidic thought authored by the Alter Rebbe |
Targum | (lit., "translation"): the classic Aramaic translation and paraphrase of the Tanach by the second-century proselyte, Onkelos |
Targum Onkelos | see Targum |
tefillah | prayer; bonding with G-d |
tefillin | small leather boxes each containing four Biblical passages which the Torah commands adult males to wear daily during morning prayers |
Ten Days of Repentance | the ten days between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur |
terumah | portion of produce given to the Kohanim |
teshuvah | (lit., "return [to G-d]"): repentance, return to a Jew's true essence |
Tes Kislev | ninth day of Kislev |
Teves | the tenth month of the Jewish year when counting from Nissan (or the fourth when counting for Tishrei) |
The Rebbe | Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902), the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe; eldest son of the saintly Kabbalist, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak, rav of Yekaterinoslav; fifth in direct paternal line from the Tzemach Tzedek; son-in-law of the Rebbe Rayatz. |
Tishah BeAv | (lit., "the Ninth of Av"): fast commemorating the Destruction of both the First and the Second Temple |
Tishrei | the first month of the Jewish year, or the seventh when counting the months from Nissan; the month which includes Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkos |
Tomchei Temimim | see Yeshivah Tomchei Temimim |
Torah | the Written and Oral Law |
Torah Or | One of the major texts authored by the Alter Rebbe |
tzaddik | righteous man |
tzedakah | charity; justice |
Tzemach Tzedek | R. Menachem Mendel Schneersohn (1789-1866), the third Lubavitcher Rebbe; known by the title of his halachic responsa as "the Tzemach Tzedek"; nephew and son-in-law of the Mitteler Rebbe, and father of the Rebbe Maharash. |
Vayeitze | one of the parshiyos of the Torah |
Vespasian | Roman general, later Emperor |
Yaakov | the third of the three patriarchs of the Jewish people; also a name for the Jewish people |
Yalkut Shimoni | a collection of the Sages' homiletical teachings |
Yartzeit | (Yid.): the anniversary of a person's passing |
yechidah | the highest of the five levels of the soul, the rung in which the soul is in absolute unity with G-d |
Yehudah | one of the sons of Yaakov; also a name for the Jewish people |
Yerushalayim | Jerusalem |
Yerushalmi | See Talmud |
Yeshayahu | Isaiah |
Yeshivah | Torah academy for advanced students |
Yeshivah Tomchei Temimim | (a) the yeshivah founded in Lubavitch in 1897 by the Rebbe Rashab; (b) one of its subsequent offshoots |
yetzer hora | the Evil Inclination |
Yevsektzia | Jewish section of the Communist party, who were the most fanatical in the effort to eradicate Judaism from Soviet Russia |
Yirah | fear or awe [of G-d] |
Yirmeyahu | Jeremiah; one of the books of the Bible |
Yisroel | another name for Yaakov, the third of the three patriarchs of the Jewish people; also a name for the Jewish people |
Yitzchok | the second of the three patriarchs of the Jewish people |
Yochanan ben Zakkai, Rabbi | one of the foremost of the Talmudic sages |
Yom Kippur | the Day of Atonement, fast day falling on 10 Tishrei and climaxing the Days of Awe |
Yud Shevat | (lit., "the Tenth of Shvat"): anniversary of the passing of the Previous Rebbe in 1950 |
Yud-Tes Kislev | (lit., "the Nineteenth of Kislev"): anniversary of the passing of the Maggid of Mezritch in 1772, and anniversary of the release from capital sentence of his disciple, the Alter Rebbe, in 1798 |
Z'man Cheiruseinu | (lit., the Season of our Freedom): another name for the festival of Pesach |
Zohar | (lit., "radiance"): the classic text of the Kabbalah |