Sichos in which the Rebbe expanded the Conceptual Frontiers of Chassidic Thought
From the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe,
Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson
Published and Copyright (c) 1999 by
Sichos In English
788 Eastern Parkway • Brooklyn, N.Y. 11213
Tel. (718) 778-5436
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No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including photo-copying and translation, and digital, magnetic, or optical storage, without permission in writing from the copyright holder or the publisher.
ISBN 1-8814-0042-5
Rochel Chana Schilder for editing.
Rabbi Aharon Leib Raskin for checking the authenticity of the text and supplying additional references and source material.
Yosef Yitzchok Turner for designing the layout and typography.
Rabbi Yonah Avtzon for preparing text for publication.
Avrohom Weg for designing the cover.
[1] offers a physical analogy to describe
Or Chozair, spiritual light which "rebounds." It is inconceivably hot close to the sun. As we proceed through space, distancing ourselves from the sun's orb, that heat dissipates, and indeed, is not felt at all. Yet on the surface of the earth, the heat is felt. As a result, the temperature on the earth's surface is much higher than the temperature millions of miles closer to the sun. Similarly, with regard to the spiritual analogue, there is a light that is felt in the lower levels of existence which is more powerful than the light sensed in "higher" and more refined realms.
In the analogy, it is often not emphasized that what enables the radiant energy of the sun to be felt upon the earth is the atmosphere which surrounds it and traps the heat within. At times, the moon is closer to the sun than the earth is. Yet even then the temperature on the moon is much lower, because the moon has no blanket of air to capture that heat.
This is not a lesson in physics. Nor is it intended merely as instruction in spiritual physics, i.e., an explanation of the workings of the mystical spheres that bring our world into being and maintain it. Instead, our concern is the world within each of our souls.
The very same analogy is also used[2] to explain why the teachings of Chassidus were revealed in our generation, an extremely low rung in the spiritual hierarchy, when individuals in the previous generations who were on a much higher spiritual rung were not privileged to receive these insights.
We are living at the dawning of the Era of the Redemption, the time of the marriage between G-d and the Jewish people, as it were.[3] Like a bride proceeding to the marriage canopy, the Jewish people must bedecked appropriately with pearls and jewels.[4] For that reasons, it is in these generations that the gems of the teachings of Chassidus were revealed.
It is self-evident that not only must be the gems be given; the bride must adorn herself with them. Or, to take another glimpse at the above analogy, the atmosphere must capture the heat. Not only must Chassidus be revealed by the Rebbeim; it must also be studied and internalized by the Jewish people so that they can confidently stride towards the chuppah.
This text is intended to serve as an initial step in this process and to precipitate its extension. As is the preceding volume in this series, this is a collection of translations, not adaptations. Several of the most profound
sichos delivered by the Rebbe on spiritual themes are presented with all their intricate details, without skipping or streamlining any of the conceptual give and take of the original.
Nevertheless, every translation is by definition an interpretation, for the transition into another language and thought system requires one to break down the ideas and structure the form in which they are communicated. Moreover, to aid in the comprehension of the text, bracketed additions and translator's notes have been included.
Our vision is that this process will continue, that studying the sichos will prompt readers to continue working on the concepts, and in this way enable the gems of wisdom which the Rebbe shared to become part of the mindset of anyone willing to make the effort to study them.
By internalizing the Rebbe's teachings in our minds, we make it possible for them to be applied in our lives. In this way, we prepare the world for the coming of Mashiach when "those who repose in the dust will arise and sing,"[5] and we will hear new teachings from the Rebbe. May this take place in the immediate future.
Sivan 28, 5759

- (Back to text) Or HaTorah, Vaes'chanan, p. 174ff.
- (Back to text) See Likkutei Sichos, Vol. XV, p. 282; Vol. XX, p. 173.
- (Back to text) Shmos Rabbah, the conclusion of ch. 15, et al.
- (Back to text) Likkutei Sichos, Vol. XX, p. 177.
- (Back to text) Cf. Yeshayahu 26:19.