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From the Second Sichah of Shabbos Parshas Bo, 5751 (1991)

From the Third Sichah of Shabbos Parshas Bo, 5751 (1991)

The Counsel of G-d that He has Given concerning Babylon
The Iraqi News of 5763 (2003)
in a Sichah of 5751 (1991)

From the Third Sichah of Shabbos Parshas Bo, 5751 (1991)

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  From the Second Sichah of Shabbos Parshas Bo, 5751 (1991) 

...The importance of the entire conflict is that it should provide us with a directive in our service of G-d. As is told in the name of elder chassidim (or according to certain sources, in the name of one of the Rebbeim), a war was waged between several gentile nations with the intent that a new path could be taught in the service of G-d. Similarly, the war in our times is intended to teach a new path in our Divine service. (In fact, the path already existed beforehand; now it is being learned.)

The name Babylonia (in the Holy Tongue: Bavel) is associated with the concept of bilbul, confusion - the confusion that the Evil Inclination introduces into our Divine service. [This is the personal dimension of the war against Babylonia - the battle against this confusion.] Its underlying purpose is that every individual should master it. G-d will help - but only help - in this endeavor. Our own exertion is crucial, so that we will not benefit from "the bread of shame," but rather will carry out our Divine service on our own initiative and in this manner become G-d’s partner in creation.

And in addition to the spiritual assistance G-d grants, He will, as Rambam states, also provide all the material matters a person needs to enable him to be free to study Torah and observe mitzvos with peace of mind and gladness of heart. [...]

It is written, "Israel is a youth and I love him." For G-d, every Jew is a young child, and it is a father’s nature that when his child cries out for a particular thing, even if that thing is of no particular value (and provided it is not harmful), the father will hurry and try in every way to fulfill the child’s needs - i.e., what the child presently thinks his needs are, before he is educated and trained to desire things of true value. Likewise, when a Jew feels pressured and confused because of a lack in material things, G-d hastens to provide him with all his needs.

As to the destruction of Babylonia and the palace of its king [...]: May the nations that accomplished it succeed and complete the task and proceed from strength to strength, and help bring the Jewish people back to Eretz Yisrael. [...] That time will see the fulfillment of the Divine promise: "I shall then make the nations pure of speech so that they will all call upon the Name of G-d and serve Him with a single purpose," with the coming of Mashiach.

  From the Second Sichah of Shabbos Parshas Bo, 5751 (1991) 
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