At the evening meal on Shemini Atzeres in Riga, the Previous Rebbe addressed his chassidim in the
sukkah: "Thoughts are powerful. Not only is thought the first and innermost of the three garments (
levushim) of the soul to which thought is united, thinking actually produces results that can extend into the realm of action. Concentrating on a good thought concerning another is in itself an act - though it is an act only in the context of the world of thought. It still needs to pass through the succeeding stages of speech and practical action."
At this point the subject turned to the members of the chassidic brotherhood who were then in Russia, and some of the past and present yeshivah students (temimim) and older chassidim (Anash) were mentioned by name.
The Rebbe proceeded: "Thought knows no bounds. No partition can stand in its way, and at all times it reaches its required destination."
One of those present, who had recently reached Riga from Russia, then asked: "But what benefit does the other party have from that?"
"He benefits in rich measure," replied the Rebbe.
After a long pause the Rebbe turned to the questioner and asked: "And where were you last Sukkos...?"[37]
Likkutei Dibburim, vol. 1, p. 2

- (Back to text) It was the custom of the Rebbe of each generation to bring to mind each of his chassidim at certain times. The only reason this chassid was able to get out of Russia is that the Rebbe had him in his thoughts.