As for self-pity, it is viewed as one of the most cunning lures of the negative drive within man. One may lament: "Since G-d created me this way, since my condition is such and such, since I am a more pitiable character than anyone else - it is impossible to do anything about [my faults] and I am exempt from [being accountable] to anyone or anything!"
In order that others should not voice their complaints about him (e.g., "How is it that he is such and such ...!?") he prefaces by saying, "I am a good person and I have no complaints, and I cannot do anything [about who I am]. And even if you think that I can do something [about my negative traits] but I don't want to - I say this [too] is my nature and there is nothing to do about this. I know all the complaints about me; however, this is my nature and therefore [that's the way it goes]."
One must know, "If you have toiled and not succeeded, you may not be believed"[33] (i.e., one should then question the nature of one's "toil").
Kuntres Tzaddik LaMelech, vol. 7, p. 362

- (Back to text) Talmud, Megillah 6b.