Volume 2 | Volume 3 | Volume 4 | Volume 5 |
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- Bereishis - Genesis (Bereishis)
- "Who Knows Ten?"
- Creation - A Lesson in Time Management
- Bereishis - Genesis (Noach)
- Blessed Waters
- In Praise of Noach
- Bereishis - Genesis (Lech Lecha)
- Three Altars
- "Down Is Up"
- Bereishis - Genesis (Vayeira)
- Two Forms of Kindness
- Bereishis - Genesis (Vayeira - Chof Cheshvan)
- The Crucial Decision
- Bereishis - Genesis (Chayei Sarah)
- Immediately Answered Prayers
- Aging Gracefully
- Bereishis - Genesis (Toldos)
- To Give and Give Again
- Sowing the Physical and Reaping the Spiritual
- Bereishis - Genesis (Vayeitzei)
- The Jewish People - Sons and Sheep
- Shabbos - An Unlimited Heritage
- Bereishis - Genesis (Vayishlach)
- "Today I Become a Man"
- "An Abode for G-d in the Nethermost Levels"
- Bereishis - Genesis (Vayeishev)
- A Jewish treasure hunt
- How To Increase Your Luck
- Bereishis - Genesis (Mikeitz)
- Fighting Famine
- Bereishis - Genesis (Vayigash)
- Completing the Count
- Tears and Deeds
- Bereishis - Genesis (Vayechi)
- "Be strong, be strong, and let us strengthen one another."
- Yaakov Lives
- Shmos - Exodus (Shmos)
- Children - Large and Small
- Counting by Name
- Shmos - Exodus (Va'eira)
- The Matzos and Four Cups of Wine
- Believers and Sons of Believers
- Shmos - Exodus (Bo)
- Sanctifying Time
- Remembering the Exodus and the Shabbos
- Shmos - Exodus (Beshallach)
- The Manna - Enhancing Belief & Trust in G-d
- Waging War Against Amalek
- Shmos - Exodus (Yisro)
- Achieving Unity in Mind, Heart and Deed
- Obligation and Subservience
- Shmos - Exodus (Mishpatim)
- Productive Use of Time
- A Tale of Two Portions
- The Jewish Indentured Servant
- Shmos - Exodus (Terumah)
- Constructing the Mishkan - A Common Task
- Three Forms of Terumah - Three Forms of Spiritual Service
- The Aron, Kapores and the Keruvim
- Shmos - Exodus (Tetzaveh)
- Ephod, Breastplate & Robe - Three Unique Vestments
- The Two Altars
- Shmos - Exodus (Tetzaveh - Zayin Adar)
- Moshe's Demise
- Shmos - Exodus (Ki Sisa)
- The Golden Calf - Entree to Repentance
- Breaking The Luchos - A Break for the Jewish People
- Shmos - Exodus (Vayakhel-Pekudei)
- "In All Their Journeys"
- Shmos - Exodus (Vayakhel)
- Offerings for the Mishkan -
- Shmos - Exodus (Pekudei)
- An Eternal Resting Place
- Vayikra - Leviticus (Vayikra)
- The Wood Offering
- The Additional Fifth
- Vayikra - Leviticus (Tzav)
- "Speak," "Say," and "Command" - Three Types of Mitzvos
- Day People Vs Night People
- Vayikra - Leviticus (Shemini)
- Two Brothers - Two Worlds
- "When In Doubt...."
- Vayikra - Leviticus (Tazria-Metzora)
- Circumcision - Always a Timely Act
- Vayikra - Leviticus (Tazria)
- The Purpose of Punishment
- Vayikra - Leviticus (Metzora)
- Purification of the Metzora -
- Vayikra - Leviticus (Acharei-Kedoshim)
- Holy and Holier
- Vayikra - Leviticus (Acharei)
- The Kohen Gadol's Home
- Vayikra - Leviticus (Kedoshim)
- Two Forms of Ahavas Yisrael
- Vayikra - Leviticus (Emor)
- Weekdays, Sabbaths & Festivals
- G-d as Kohen and Kohen Gadol
- Vayikra - Leviticus (Behar)
- Mitzvos - The General and the Particular
- Spiritual Buying and Selling
- Vayikra - Leviticus (Bechukosai)
- Toiling in Torah
- Bamidbar - Numbers (Bamidbar)
- "Everyone Counts"
- A Most Revealing Count
- Bamidbar - Numbers (Naso)
- Shabbos - "Before and After"
- G-d Makes Himself Heard
- Bamidbar - Numbers (Behaalos'cha)
- Two Passovers - Two Methods of Service
- The Most Humble of Men
- Bamidbar - Numbers (Shlach)
- A Natural Mistake - The Error of the Spies
- Increasing the Might of the Divine Name Adnay
- Bamidbar - Numbers (Korach)
- "It's the Thought that Also Counts"
- A Lesson in Priesthood
- Bamidbar - Numbers (Chukas-Balak)
- Defying Rationality
- The Mitzvos As Chukim
- Bamidbar - Numbers (Pinchas)
- Jewish Leadership - Torah and Royalty
- A Commensurate Reward
- Division By Lot
- Bamidbar - Numbers (Matos-Masei)
- Console the Father - Console the Child
- On The Move
- Devarim - Deutronomy (Devarim)
- Gad & Reuven - Going Ahead of the Jewish People
- From G-d's Mouth to Moshe's
- Devarim - Deutronomy (Vaes'chanan)
- Shema and Torah Study - Together, Yet Worlds Apart
- Lessons of Tefillin
- Devarim - Deutronomy (Eikev)
- The Healing Effect of "Heeling"
- "Heels Over Head"
- Devarim - Deutronomy (Re'eh)
- Three Torah Portions and their Haftoros
- "Cleave to Him"
- Devarim - Deutronomy (Shoftim)
- Two Forms of Witnesses
- Emotions - A Tree of the Field
- Devarim - Deutronomy (Seitzei)
- A New Home and its Guard-Rail
- Marriage & Divorce - Divine Style
- Devarim - Deutronomy (Savo)
- The Connection Between Savo and Chai Elul
- The Bikurim Offering and Declaration
- Devarim - Deutronomy (Nitzavim)
- Freedom of Choice, and Choosing Freely
- Motivations for Repentance
- Devarim - Deutronomy (Vayeilech)
- Vayeilech and Yom Kippur - Revealing Divine Kingship and Jewish Unity
- Devarim - Deutronomy (Ha'azinu)
- Teshuvah, Torah, and Mitzvos - Essence, Heaven, and Earth
- Devarim - Deutronomy (Ha'azinu - Shabbos Teshuvah)
- The Teshuvah of Shabbos Teshuvah
- Holidays (Chanukah)
- "This is Chanukah"
- Holidays (Pesach)
- Passover - Season of our Freedom & Festival of Matzos
- The First and Final Redemption
- Vaulting, Bounding and Leaping
- Holidays (Shavuos)
- Mattan Torah
- Holidays (Rosh HaShanah)
- Coronation, Teshuvah and Shofar
- Holidays (Sukkos)
- Yom Tov, Chol HaMoed & Shabbos Chol HaMoed
- Sukkos - Revealing the Concealed
- Holidays (Berachah - Simchas Torah)
- Shehecheyanu for Torah
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Volume 2 | Volume 3 | Volume 4 | Volume 5 |