It is worth calling to attention the matter of Jewish women and girls being careful about riding in a taxi or car driven by a male
[24] (where there may possibly be a concern of
yichud, etc.), and as known the discussion about this matter in
[25] In such a situation, one should clarify the various laws and details concerning this matter by a
Rav who provides Halachic decisions.
Excerpt from Sefer HaSichos 5751, Vol. I, p. 244

- (Back to text) Particularly since at present (and especially in a large city like New York and the like) it is possible to find (or to order) a taxi with a lady driver.
- (Back to text) See Otzar HaPoskim IX, 72b; Devar Halachah 15, note 1; She'arim HaMtzuyanim BeHalachah, p. 152 note 3; Responsa Chelkas Yakov II:14; Responsa Tzitz Eliezer VI, Kuntres HaYichud ch. 15 6-8; et al.