The Evil Inclination may still offer the following lure: True, he says,
tznius must be observed with regard to permanent and abiding conduct, but with regard to temporary conduct
[17] it is not necessary to be so stringent with regard to
tznius, to treat all aspects of
tznius in the same critical manner.
Herein comes the lesson from the verse "How goodly are your tents, O Jacob,"[18] concerning which our Sages comment:[19] "He saw that their doorways were not facing one another" - even in temporary tent dwellings and in temporary situations, we are to scrupulously observe the same degree of tznius as in a permanent situation.
Excerpt from a Sicha of the Rebbe, Likkutei Sichos, Vol. XIII, p. 84

- (Back to text) It is appropriate to emphasize here something pertinent to the summer season: There are those who are "less stringent" during the summer with regard to matters of tznius - especially so, if they are living in a temporary residence in the country. Among them are those who say, "I shall sin and 'return' " - "when I will return to the city."
This is of great importance to the conduct of men as well, but especially so to women, for each and every one of them is termed the "foundation of the home." This matter can be elaborated on at length, but here is not the place for this.
- (Back to text) Bamidbar 24:5.
- (Back to text) Rashi, ibid.