Tznius - the concept of "The entire glory of the king's daughter is within"
[15] - is one of the most crucial factors in a woman's conduct, something that has a powerful effect on her sons and daughters.
Thus we find in the Gemara[16] the following regarding the reward for the tremendous degree of tznius practiced by Kimchis: "Kimchis had seven sons, all of whom merited to serve as Kohanim Gedolim, High Priests. The Sages asked her, 'What have you done to merit this?' She answered them: 'The rafters of my house have never seen the plaits of my hair.' "
One should not think: Must I act with such a tremendous degree of tznius so that my children will become Kohanim Gedolim; why should I care if my children grow up to be regular priests. Furthermore, all Jews are holy!
Herein is the lesson from the lighting of the Menorah, which was to be done specifically in the Beis HaMikdash. This teaches us that if at all possible we are to increase the amount of illumination even in those places that are already most holy.
Here as well: If a woman is granted the ability to train her sons that they grow into Kohanim Gedolim, it proves that this is her task; should she not do this, she does not carry out her obligation and does not fulfill G-d's desire.
Excerpt of a Sicha of the Rebbe, Shavuos 5717

- (Back to text) Tehillim 45:14.
- (Back to text) Yoma 47a.