On the basis of the profound saying of the Alter Rebbe, founder of Chabad, to the effect that "A Jew has to live with the time," i.e., the weekly Torah portion, which is the timely "guide" and inspiration for each and every day of the week.
It is significant that the portion of the Shabbos of the Convention enumerates a series of Divine blessings as a reward for following G-d's statutes and observing His Mitzvos. These blessings reach their zenith in the Divine promise, "And I will make My sanctuary among you... and I will walk in your midst; I will be your G-d, and you will be My people."
While the condition for receiving G-d's blessing is stated at the beginning of the portion, namely, adherence to Torah and Mitzvos, the high point and conclusion of the promised blessings alludes to the basic tenets of Kedushah, (sanctity), Taharah (purity), and Tznius (modesty) in Jewish life. For Kedushah, Taharah and Tznius are the foundations of the indwelling of the Sanctuary and Shechinah among Jews in general, and within every Jew, man and woman, in particular.
The sanctity of the "camp," the Jewish home, and of Jewish conduct, is clearly emphasized elsewhere in the Torah, namely: "Your camp (at home and outside the home) shall be holy, that He not see in you any immorality, and turn away from you."[1]
Our Sages explain that Tznius and Kedushah must be observed in every aspect of Jewish life, including speech and thought, and certainly in dress and general conduct.
In this area, especially, as in certain other areas of Jewish life, the Jewish woman and daughter set the tone and standard, as experience has shown. Our Sages often stressed that the future and happiness of children is largely tied in with the tzniusdik conduct of the mother.
May G-d grant that your Convention - of which the main theme is Tznius - will implement the true ideals of Jewish womanhood in actual practice, and set in motion a far reaching drive to make Tznius the pervading spirit in deed and in speech, which in turn depend on the sanctity of thought.
Excerpt from a letter of the Rebbe, Likkutei Sichos, Vol. VII, pp. 360-361

- (Back to text) Devarim 23:15.