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     Sichos In English -> Books -> Festivals -> At Our Rebbes' Seder Table

Publisher's Foreword

Preparations for Pesach -- Our Pesach Obligations

Necessities that Have to Be Prepared for the Seder

A Pesach Calendar

When The 14th Of Nissan Falls On A Sabbath

The Sale Of Chametz


The Fast of the Firstborn

Eruv Tavshilin

The Search For Chametz

The Order of the Paschal Sacrifice

The Items On The Seder Plate

The Order Of The Pesach Seder

   Kadesh -- Reciting Kiddush

U'Rechatz -- Washing the Hands

Karpas -- Eating a Vegetable Dipped in Salt-Water

Yachatz -- Breaking the Middle Matzah

Maggid -- Reciting the Haggadah

Rachtzah -- Washing the Hands

Motzi Matzah -- Reciting the Blessing HaMotzi; Reciting the Blessing Al Achilas Matzah and Eating the Matzah

Maror -- Eating the Bitter Herbs

Korech -- Eating a Sandwich of Matzah and Bitter Herbs

Shulchan Orech -- Eating the Festive Meal

Tzafun -- Eating the Afikoman

Beirach -- Reciting Grace

Hallel Nirtzah -- Reciting Hallel, Psalms of Praise; the Promise that G-d Will Accept Our Service

Founders of Chassidism & Leaders of Chabad Lubavitch


At Our Rebbes' Seder Table
Commentary and Stories on the Haggadah
collected from the works of
The Lubavitcher Rebbe,
Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson
and the preceding Rebbeim of Chabad

The Order Of The Pesach Seder
Korech -- Eating a Sandwich of Matzah and Bitter Herbs
by Rabbi Eli Touger

Published and copyright © by Sichos In English
(718) 778-5436   �   �   FAX (718) 735-4139

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  Maror -- Eating the Bitter HerbsShulchan Orech -- Eating the Festive Meal  

The korech is a sandwich including a kezayis from the third matzah and a kezayis of maror. It must also be eaten bichedei achilas p'ras. In this instance as well, one may rely on the more lenient opinions that consider a kezayis to be � of an ounce and kedai achilas p'ras to be six or seven minutes.
The chazeres alone is dipped into the charoses, but not the matzah. The prevailing Lubavitch custom is not to dip the chazeres in the charoses, but to put some dry charoses on the chazeres, and then to shake it off. The sandwich should be eaten while reclining.
Before partaking of the sandwich, the following passage is recited:
When the Beis HaMikdash was standing, Hillel would do as follows: He would combine the Paschal sacrifice, matzah, and maror in a sandwich and eat them together, in order to fulfill the instruction:[248] "They shall eat it with matzos and bitter herbs."

They shall eat it with matzos and bitter herbs

Eating matzah brings one to an awareness of G-d. At times, however, this is possible only when the matzah is coupled with maror -- contrite bitterness at one's distance from Him. This bitterness will arouse G-d's mercies and encourage His assistance in a person's struggle to become conscious of Him.

(the Rebbe Rashab)[249]



  1. (Back to text) Numbers 9:11.

  2. (Back to text) Sefer HaMaamarim 5672, Vol. II, p. 933.

  Maror -- Eating the Bitter HerbsShulchan Orech -- Eating the Festive Meal  
     Sichos In English -> Books -> Festivals -> At Our Rebbes' Seder Table
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