Kadesh -- Reciting
Kiddush •
U'Rechatz -- Washing the hands •
Karpas -- Eating a vegetable dipped in salt-water •
Yachatz -- Breaking the middle matzah
Maggid -- Reciting the Haggadah •
Rachtzah -- Washing the hands a second time •
Motzi -- Reciting the blessing
HaMotzi •
Matzah -- Reciting the blessing
al achilas matzah and eating the matzah •
Maror -- Eating the bitter herbs •
Korech -- Eating a sandwich of matzah and bitter herbs •
Shulchan Orech -- Eating the festive meal •
Tzafun -- Eating the
afikoman •
Beirach -- Reciting grace •
Hallel Nirtzah -- Reciting Hallel, psalms of praise; the promise that G-d will accept our service
The list of the indicators of the order of the Seder includes 15 words. (Nirtzah is not counted, for it does not involve any activity on our part). Fifteen is numerically equivalent to G-d's name Y-H, which the sages of the Kabbalah associate with the Sefiros of Chochmah and Binah (wisdom and understanding).
This fact contains an allusion applicable in our divine service. Although the service of Pesach centers on faith and kabbalas ol (the acceptance of G-d's yoke) -- qualities which transcend intellect -- even these superrational qualities must be filtered through our minds, our "wisdom and understanding." In this manner they become part of our thinking processes and subject to our conscious control.

- (Back to text) Likkutei Sichos, Vol. II, p. 539.